1, strawberries

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^ art by @/bbqkrbk on twitter

Bakugou sat in the common room, scrolling through social media on his phone with his earphones plugged in. He felt something cold and wet touch his lips and it got thrusted into his mouth.

"What the fuck?" Bakugou coughed, his tongue rolling out.

Kirishima's soft giggle was heard beside Bakugou as he turned around. "Sorry," the redheaded fuck smiled. "It's a grape, want one?"

"No," Bakugou grunted.

"Aw man, c'mon," Kirishima urged, bringing a grape up in front of Bakugou's face. "I thought you loved them."

"Grapes are associated with Mineta," Bakugou snapped, hitting Kirishima's hand out of the way. "I don't want it."

Kirishima stared at the grape for a long moment then looked up. "But it's a green grape," he said, tossing it into his mouth. He reached into the bowl he was holding and pulled another one off the stem. "Eat it," he mumbled, his left cheek rising in a lump as he pushed the grape to the side.

"It's still a grape," Bakugou said, little sparks forming at his palm. "Mineta's a grape. I don't like grapes."

Kirishima frowned. "Fine," he murmured, his shoulders slumping as he put on his sad smile that made Bakugou mad for some reason.

Kirishima sadly turned away and walked toward the kitchen area again, and it made Bakugou want to hurt someone. He wanted to hurt whoever made him that sad. Bakugou felt a slight pain in his chest until Kirishima came back, this time with a bowl of small red fruits, and a piss haired boy.

"Hey man! I brought you strawberries," Kirishima said with a toothy grin glued to his face, the one that made Bakugou's heart pound out of his chest and the one that caused all the butterflies in Bakugou's stomach that he honestly just wanted to shit out.

"Hey Kacchan!" Kaminari said, smiling like a fucking dumbass.

Bakugou narrowed his eyes and furrowed his eyebrows all the way. He watched in joy as Kaminari's face switched from a wide smile to the expression of someone who's just seen a ghost.

The pikachu boy dashed away from Bakugou as he chased him around the common room, explosions sparking off his palms

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The pikachu boy dashed away from Bakugou as he chased him around the common room, explosions sparking off his palms. Thisiswhatyoufuckinggetyoupikachulookingassragmotherfucker, Bakugou thought triumphantly to himself.

"Bakugou!" Kirishima called out as he tried to hold Bakugou back.

Kaminari threw himself on one of the couches and Kirishima led Bakugou back to another couch.

"Die," Bakugou growled at Kaminari.

"I'd love to," Kaminari smiled, jumping off the couch and running towards the stairs.

Kirishima shook his head and sat down beside Bakugou. "Have a strawberry," he offered gently.

He's being nice and gentle, like always. Do something nice too, Katsuki, he told himself frantically.

Bakugou snatched the strawberry from Kirishima and threw it in his mouth. Kirishima's hand stayed in place as Bakugou chewed on the berry, his face suddenly scrunching up.

"Fucking sour," he coughed out.

Kirishima dug into the bowl and pulled out an unusually big strawberry. "Try this one," he said, beaming.

Bakugou took it a little more gently from his hand and tossed it in his mouth. He chewed down, his teeth sinking into the softness and sweetness of the strawberry. This is sweet, but it's not as sweet as Kirishima. He shook his head. What the hell?

"How is it?" Kirishima asked, his toothy grin still plastered on his face.

"Mm," Bakugou grumbled, nodding.

Kirishima's smile got somehow wider and Bakugou felt his face heat up as his heart rate picked up speed. Ouch. He's fucking cute.

kiribaku month 2020 but i gave up halfwayWhere stories live. Discover now