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You were applying lip tint on in a pocket mirror as you sat at your desk waiting for class to start.

"Trying to get all dolled up for the ghosts in the school or something?" Matsukawa chuckled, entering the room. You both were significantly early once again, being the only ones in the room.

"You could say that, I hear the one in the library was cute before he died of mysterious circumstances" you snickered. "I was running a little late so I figured I'd freshen up here before class started, you never know when you might meet the Queen of England after all."

"Running late to being early?" he smirked. "What does that man have you doing after school everyday for you to be scared into coming an hour early to class?" he chuckled.

"Too much" you whispered, war flashbacks of all the paperwork filing and cleaning he's been making you do while he watches shoujo anime in his office. Sometimes you can hear him sobbing--out of sadness or happiness, you couldn't tell, and you weren't sure if you wanted to know anyway. "Did you come early to do homework again?"

"Ding ding ding! We have a winner! You're now the proud new owner of brand! New! Caaaaaar!" he said in game show host voice, making you laugh as he sat down and pulled his desk towards you. "Mind helping me again?"

"Sure, only if you make it two brand new cars~"

"For you (y/n), three cars", he laughed heartily. You felt something in your chest flutter at the sound, much to your shock.

You started helping the other boy out, getting closer to him without realizing it. You laughed as he tried to pronounce some of the words, then said it the correct way to him only for him to say it slightly less incorrectly, making you both laugh.

"Want some gum?" he asked, leaning over to dig into his bag. Three notifications popped up on his phone, you couldn't help but look.

"LINE: He Makki Me Sick:
I was going to come early to help
you but I see you already got your
future girlfriend helping you ;)"

"LINE: He Makki Me Sick:

"LINE: He Makki Me Sick:
So cute~ I'll leave you two be for now,
don't forget to use protection Mattsun
we don't need another kid with your
ugly mug running around anytime soon~"

You grinned, keeping a laugh in. Hanamaki loved teasing Matsukawa about anything from you noticed, not that you could blame him--you were the exact same way with your friends. You couldn't help but wonder what the photo was though, but it was probably a stupid meme in relation or something knowing the kinda guy he was.

Matsukawa handed you a piece of gum, as you unwrapped it and plopped it in your mouth you saw him blushing and rolling his eyes at his phone, laughing lightly as he put his phone in his pocket. "Dumbass" he mumbled under his breath, barely audible.


You greeted the volley ball team as you entered the gym with your two friends again. You felt yourself potentially falling into a routine and were pretty excited about it. You liked your new friends a lot, they joked around similarly to your old friends so you didn't feel as homesick as you did the semester before.

You were looking for somewhere to sit when suddenly a boy with bleached hair and dark eyeliner bumped into you, letting out a grunt and shooting you a dirty look.

"Hey, you need to watch where you're going!" you hissed, annoyed at the lack of manners the boy had. All of the boys nearby widened their eyes, looking at you in shock.

Matsukawa x Reader - "It's Always Been You"Where stories live. Discover now