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You were excited that you and Mattsun had agreed to walk together to school from now on. As you approached the corner, you didn't see him anywhere so you figured he was running a bit late. When you made it to the streetlight the boy jumped out of the bushes next to it to startle you, however you ended up chopping him in the neck and apologizing. 

"Why would you do that you dumbass?" you laughed.

"It was supposed to be payback for you scaring me the other day" he choked out. "How'd you hit me that hard by reflex?" 

"I got the power of god and anime on my side" you quoted, making the boy laugh.

You both made your way to the bakery again, both of you ordering small drinks with a pastry before heading out. When you made it to the classroom Mattsun sheepishly asked if you could look over his English homework and much to your surprise he had actually gotten nearly everything correct.

"Wow Mattsun your English has really improved, you must have a really great teacher on the side~" you teased.

"Ah yeah, well she's cute so it's easier to pay attention" he flirted.

You gasped in mock shock, "Mattsun, these kind of feelings shouldn't happen between teacher and student~"

"What are you gonna do then sensei, punish me?" he stuck his tongue out.

You suddenly heard a loud crunch, turning to see Makki sitting on one of the short book cases on the side of the class while eating chips. "Don't mind me, feel free to continue your porn reenactment in peace" he grinned cheekily as you both rolled your eyes and flipped him off.

"A bell around your neck Makki, it's going to happen one of these days." Mattsun stated with a chuckle.

"Sure, sounds kinky" he grinned, making you both groan.


"Hey (y/n), wanna grab some lunch off campus since I've been exiled?" Mattsun laughed as you three walked out of the class together.

"Ah, I see how it is! While your main is busy you take your side out, what a life~" Makki sighed dramatically.

"If anything you're the side and she's the main" Matsukawa laughed, making you blush.

Makki scoffed loudly and clutched his chest in mock offense, walking up behind Iwaizumi as he came out of his classroom and linked arms with him. "I'm leaving you for Iwaizumi, good day sirs!"

Iwaizumi chuckled and rolled his eyes, "Ah, lucky me."

"Ya damn right!" Makki grinned, booping the shorter boy's nose. The two continued walking ahead until they took another hallway to get to the gymnasium while you and Mattsun headed towards the front gate.

"Where do you want to eat?" he grinned, grabbing your hand and swinging it back and forth as you both made your way out. You suddenly felt a little nervous, looking around you to make sure there wasn't anyone from the team around. This wouldn't get him in trouble, would it?

The boy suddenly appeared in front of you, walking backwards in pace with you as he grabbed your other hand in his, leaning forward towards your face. "Helloooooo~ Earth to (y/n), you good?" he asked tilting his head in a cute manner. You were shocked out of your thoughts as a light blush came across your face.

"Ah y-yeah! Sorry, what were you saying?"

"I asked what you wanted to eat~ You should really pay attention to where you're walking, you could--" he suddenly tripped over a tree root that went through the sidewalk and felt backwards, pulling you down with him since he held both of your hands.

Matsukawa x Reader - "It's Always Been You"Where stories live. Discover now