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You had gotten up early to leave to help your grandmother out with her housework. She sat in her chair with her wrapped leg propped up, sipping on the tea you had given her a short while prior. You were bringing the dirty laundry down to the basement to put in the washing machine, making sure everything is sorted and set to how your grandmother likes things done. You hummed the song she used to sing when you were younger, happy to be able to be there for her now like she had been for you all of your life.

When you came back up the stairs to start your next task, you couldn't help but notice the sly look your grandmother was giving you across the room.

"Something on your mind grandma?" you asked with a smile.

"Oh, nothing dear...just wondering who the boy on your phone was~" she sung, taking a sip of her tea as she l pointedly looked at your phone that had been plugged in on the table next to her. You laughed, knowing how nosy she was, the woman always loved some good gossip.

"That's my new friend, Mattsun--I mean Matsukawa-kun, we're in the same class."

"Oh? On a nickname basis already? How interesting~" she mused, you groaning as she had noticed your slip up. You knew she was going to pry and assume, but you decided to indulge her since she was injured. "Yes, just friends though!"

"He's quite a handsome friend!" she chuckled. "So how long have you known this 'friend'?" You rolled your eyes, grinning at your grandmother's implication. "I met him this week, but we've spent a lot of time together since so we've gotten closer than usual."

"Is that so~"

"With our friend Makki! See, he's even in the background of the photo!" You picked up your phone and pointed to the other boy on your lock screen, who unfortunately was covered by the time. "I swear he's right there, this is just blocking him!"

Your grandmother laughed heartily. "I miss being young" she mused. You pouted, knowing this was a losing battle. When your grandmother made an assumption she usually stuck with it until the end like a captain on a sinking ship--especially if it was about romance. She sure was a hopeless romantic, you wondered how your grandfather had ever kept up with her antics before he passed.

You were still holding your phone up as you got a few messages, your grandmother's curious eyes swiping over the text before you were able to pull it away. She smiled brightly, "Take a break if you'd like dear, I appreciate your help but I don't want you to overdo it. Answer the boy."

You inwardly groaned, wondering what made her say that specifically. She hummed delightfully as you went to the kitchen to grab yourself some fruit, sitting down at the table by the door to check your phone. There were three notifications on the lockscreen from Instagram, all from Mattsun.

"Instagram: YouveBeenBlocked: Hey :) "

"Instagram: YouveBeenBlocked sent a photo"

"Instragram: YouveBeenBlocked: Wish you were here 👉👈🥺"

You blushed, blinking your eyes slowly at the notifications, not believing what you were reading. Now you realized why your grandmother had reacted that way, a small smile met your lips and you opened your phone to check the photo. The second the messages popped up you snorted loudly, a series of breathless laughs following.

It was a photo with Mattsun in the forefront smiling widely and pointing towards the boys behind him during practice: Kyotani was being held back by Yahaba, Makki and Iwaizumi, Oikawa looking panicked as he tried to run away from him--though he was unfortunately caught by the other grabbing his underwear from the back in what you could only imagine was an incredibly devastating wedgie. After the laughter subsided, you typed out a response.

Matsukawa x Reader - "It's Always Been You"Where stories live. Discover now