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You bit your lip and decided to hit send.

Morning~ Wanna walk together and pick up some breakfast before heading to class?

You hoped he'd see it before he left. You went to pick up your bag, surprised you got a notification so quick.

Sure, meet you by the corner 😊

It was still a little dark out when you left to meet him. When you made it to the main street you saw him leaning against the streetlight at the corner, lazily smiling at the sky. His hair was fluffier than usual, some loose curls cascading down onto his face--he really was a good looking guy.

When he noticed you his grin widened as he walked over to greet you properly before sliding his arm over your shoulders as you walked together, making you blush. You both made your way towards the school, deciding you'd stop at the bakery that was en route. 

He held the door for you and followed you in. You both decided what you wanted and got it to go so you wouldn't risk overstaying and being late to school. When you made it on campus you made your way straight to the classroom as per usual, pulling your desks together to eat your breakfast.

"I don't know why it's taken us so long to walk together" he chuckled as he took another bite.

"Well why don't we make it a habit then?" you smiled.

"I'd like that." he returned the smile.

"Sooooo about yesterday..." you said as you spun your straw around in your drink, blatantly avoiding eye contact with your cheeks stained a light pink. He blushed, clearing his throat to speak before you beat him to it by continuing.

"What did she ask you?! Seriously, I know it's not nothing, that woman is too damn nosy!" you rambled, making the boy laugh.

"Oh that? She just asked me about myself. Isn't it natural for a parent to be curious about who their kid is hanging around?"

"...That's all?" you asked skeptically.

"Yup, that's it." he grinned.

"Sounds fake but ok" you teased, sticking your tongue out at the boy.

Students started to pour into the room as you both continued to eat, fortunately you were able to finish before the sensei had come in to start class. After a few minutes the final bell rang and everyone quieted down to give the teacher their full attention--those aside from the students blatantly sleeping of course.

He gave a brief math lesson that you couldn't help but tune out. You decided to look at your two friends to see if they were bored as well, noticing Mattsun was already looking at you. He smiled at you softly and you returned it before you both went back to 'paying attention'.

"Alright class, remember that our project deadline is still Friday--please use the remaining time in class right now to meet with your project partners to work."

Mattsun immediately sprung his desk over, linking your legs together underneath the table like he had done the last time while he pulled out his project materials, you following suit. You compared your data amount to his once more before talking about the aesthetic part of your presentation in detail.

"So the plan is still to finish up the experiment by Wednesday and plow through the project on Thursday right?" Mattsun asked.

"Yep! Where should we work on Thursday?"

"We can work at my house if you want, my parents are leaving on a week long business trip tomorrow night so my house will be empty for a bit" he smirked.

Matsukawa x Reader - "It's Always Been You"Where stories live. Discover now