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"Mattsun told me the plan you guys have and my role. I'll do it, I don't care--I just need to know one thing, and one thing only—"

You nodded.

"Since this is clearly an elaborate way of getting into my beloved friend's pants, I need to know that if he becomes pregnant that you'll take responsibility" Makki grinned, making you two laugh. You were thankful it was only the three of you in the room before class started.

"Uh, new phone who dis?" you said in a funny voice.

"Shotgun wedding it is!" Makki and Mattsun cheered, making you laugh.

"But on a serious note, is there anything I should be looking for specifically? As much as I love the idea of gathering evidence to tease you both with, I would actually like to do a good job."

"I guess just jot down any noticeable differences between us--do we naturally stay closer together, go to each other first, do anything out of the normal realms of our current friendship, etc." you responded, grateful he was taking this seriously.

"Ah so when he's using you like a sleeve in his room should I be sitting in a chair in the corner recording what goes down?" Makki quipped, making you two choke on your snacks. "MAKKI!"

"What? A few weeks too soon again? My bad~" he winked, making you two groan in annoyance.

"Alright alright, so let's see. You want something like 'Day 15, (y/n) started referring to Matsukawa as Daddy, a stark contrast to their initial starting point where she had to go out of her way to ask to call him by his common nickname, Mattsun'"

"PFFFFFFFT SHUT UP MAKKI! But yes, that's along the lines of the format in which you should recount your data in." You laughed as you turned to look at the other boy to see his reaction, only to see him looking away as he covered his grin. You gave him a questioning look before Makki nudged you with his elbow.

"Oh don't mind Mattsun, he's just trying to hold back how much he'd love for that to happen with his daddy kink and all~" Makki teased, making the other boy smack the back of his head.

"I KNEW YOU HAD ONE!" you yelled out, making the other two laugh.

"Shut up you two, I do not!"

"Do too!" Makki and you said in unison.

"Do not!"

You and Makki looked at each other, matching the same shit eating grin as the other as you both went to either side of Matsukawa, pulled him down so you could both speak directly into each ear.

"Yes you do, Daddy~" you both cooed at the same time, making the boy go beet red in seconds and push you both away, heading towards the door to the class. "Fuck you both, I'm getting something to drink" he laughed, exiting the room. You and Makki cracked up, high fiving each other as you succeeded in embarrassing your friend.


Once you broke for lunch, you immediately headed to your now regular lunch spot.

As the three of you were about to go through the door to the gymnasium, a stray volleyball came right towards your head. In seconds Iwaizumi jumped and received it with his forearm, sending it back into the court. He turned to you, surprise evident on your group's face.

"Are you ok? Sorry about that" he asked, worry clear in his tone.

"Iwaizumi...s-so cool!" the three of you beamed, making him laugh.

"Iwa-chan no fair, you always get the opportunity to make yourself look cool! How am I supposed to win over (y/n)'s heart now?~" Oikawa whined.

"You can start with not making such shitty serves that go so out of bounds it almost hits her." Iwaizumi said flatly, making you giggle. "I-it was a fluke! Give me the ball!"

Matsukawa x Reader - "It's Always Been You"Where stories live. Discover now