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Your eyes fluttered open and you stretched in your spot before rolling over to look at the alarm clock on your bedside--you had a few minutes left before you had to get up and you were going to enjoy every last second of it.

You rolled onto your back and looked up at the ceiling as your mind spun thinking about everything that happened yesterday. Possibly finding out Kyotani's crush, Kaori and Asahi possibly being a thing, Kageyama's strange behavior, running into Atsumu again, Daichi almost grounding your permanently for wasting your first kiss on an idiot and Matsukawa...you bit your lip when he crossed your mind as the memories from last night flooded your mind.

You turned and buried your face into your pillow grinning wildly as moments flashed in your mind. He was undeniably sexy last night, you really wish you didn't have a curfew but you weren't complaining about what ended up happening either. Right as you started to get into the mood again your alarm went off and you sighed as you got up to get ready. The thought crossed your mind that you'd be seeing him again in a few minutes and that put some pep in your step as your heart beat quick in your chest wondering how it would be between you guys now.

You closed the door behind you and walked down your steps towards your front gate. You noticed Mattsun leaning his back against it facing the street with his hands in his pockets waiting for you.

"Hey" you greeted happily as you opened the gate, but the boy reached to hold it open for you as you went through.

"Hey" he smiled as he closed the gate behind you.

"What happened to meeting at the streetlight?" you grinned as you reached for his hand.

"Figured if I met you here I could see you for a few minutes longer than I would the other way" he mumbled shyly as he scratched the bridge of his nose.

"...You're too cute, you know that?" you smiled as you squeezed his hand.

"No you" he answered quickly as he shot you a small smile. "How'd you sleep?"

"Amazing, thanks to you~" you hummed as you bumped into him purposely. "What about you?"

"Didn't get much of it honestly" he chuckled.

"Is everything alright?" you asked worriedly.

"Oh yeah everything's fine, the guy downstairs just wouldn't go to sleep after you left" he chuckled making you blush. "Hey you wanna go get some real breakfast before we go to class this time? My treat."

"A man after my own heart~" you hummed as he gave your hand a light squeeze.

You decided to go to a near by cafe that serves souffle pancakes, Matsukawa being especially excited to try it since he's never had one before. He ordered the caramel and you the strawberry. When you received your food you couldn't help but notice the slight disappointment in his eyes.

"Something wrong?" you asked.

"Ah nothing, I was just hoping there'd be more caramel" he said absentmindedly before cutting a piece off with the side of his fork only to be surprised with caramel leaking out from the inside. His face immediately went into a big smile as he turned the plate to show you.

"Holy shit it's inside! That's crazy, this looks so good--mind changed" he grinned before turning it back around and taking a bite, looking satisfied with the taste which made you giggle. "How's yours?"

"Mines good! The strawberry is really good here~" you chimed, happily taking another bite of your own.

"Ah maybe I'll try it the next time we come" he smiled, your heart fluttering at the thought of him being so sure about you two returning together.

Matsukawa x Reader - "It's Always Been You"Where stories live. Discover now