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"What is it?" Nova asked, breathless from rushing and from Rudy's tongue down her throat thirty seconds ago.

"We have mail," he held the letter up, turning away from the window to face his sister.

Nova would recognize that handwriting anywhere, she felt sick, she could feel her senses darken, she was scathing. "He thinks he can send us a letter," she gave a humorless laugh, approaching Shawn with anger.

"He's up for parole."

"No fucking way. No fucking way."

Everyone had heard Shawn yelling, they were all in the room, and they knew whatever was going on, it was not good.

"How? He fucking murdered mom," Nova screamed, hot, angry tears running down her face.

"I don't know the terms, there's no way he can get out that early," Shawn shook his head. Nova and Shawn were looking at each other with worried looks.

"He doesn't know where we are? Right?" Nova felt like a child, she was looking for her brother for assurance and she knew that he had no idea.

"No, even if he did, we're safe here, he can't get to you," Shawn hugged his sister. "Don't let this bother you, wed have to give statements, he's not getting out," Shawn assured Nova.

"I just want to know how the hell he is up for parole," Nova shook her head. While she so sobered up, she was still drunk.

"Guys, you know none of us would let anything happen to you," Sarah commented, finally finding some kind of words to say.

"We know, Sarah. It's nothing to worry about, we will be fine," Nova nodded.

The friends stood there, they didn't know what to do other than offer a few kind words, Rudy was angry, he didn't want anything to hurt her anymore. He was tired of Nova hurting and he wanted to take that pain away.

"Seriously girl," Sarah pulled Nova into a hug. "It's going to be fine."

"It was addressed to our Chicago address anyway," Nova shrugged. "We're fine."

"We can deal with this when we aren't all half high still," Drew nodded. "We are all here for you."

"Thanks guys, I'm gonna go lay down," Nova nodded, looking Rudy right in the eyes as she walked by, she was hoping that he caught onto her wanting him to join.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Rudy asked.

"Hell no, I just want to hang out," she replied.

"I feel like if we finished what I started earlier would be bad timing," Rudy laughed.

Nova looked over at him and smiled, "I didn't really want to make it a drunken thing anyway."

"Me either, but that news kind of sobered me up, what do you want to do?" Rudy asked her, playing with her hands.

"I don't even care," she shrugged. "Just think of anything because I'm over everything."

"Let's go surf," he suggested. "It's been a while and it's fun at night."

"I'm going to drown to death," she joked.

"We can hope," Rudy played along.

They stayed awake all night again, falling asleep right after the sun rose on the beach in a hammock. Bailey was the first to wake up, she looked out and saw her friends sleeping in a hammock, she smiled to herself, taking the liberty of sneaking another photo of them. She didn't know what it was about them, but she was obsessed.

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