Chapter 1- It is just the Beginning

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Chapter 1

    "Hello? Is someone there?" I say into the darkness of my bedroom in the middle of the night. "Dylan if your trying to scare me its not working," I say.

A door creaks. I sit up in bed. "Really Dylan I'm not joking," I say.

" Don't be scared. I won't hurt you," someone says.

I scream for my mom. My mom comes barging in.

"Whats going on Elizabeth? Did you have a bad dream?" mom asks. I look at my closet its shut, so isn't my bathroom door. Everything is like nothing ever happened. Did something happen? I swore I heard a voice? Could it have been Dylan?

"Ya, I had a bad dream. Sorry to worry you,: I reply.

"Okay then, I'm gonna go back to bed. Good night," she says.

When she’s about to shut the door I ask, "Hey is Dylan in his room?"

She leaves and comes back and says, "Yeah, he's sound asleep. Why do you ask?" I glance around.

"Just wondering. Good night mom," I say and lay back down and pretend to go back to bed. After she leaves, I wait till I hear her door shut and bolt out of bed and turn the light on. Who could it have been? Did I imagine it? Was mom right and could it have been a bad dream?

I check my closet. Nothing, just all my clothes. I go and check my bathroom. Nothing here either. I go over and shut my window and lock it. I head out of the bathroom. I shut and lock all the windows in my room. Including the door to the balcony. I check one more time and when I see its all clear I turn the light off and go back to bed. I guess I finally fell asleep because the next thing I know its morning and my alarm is going off.

I get up and open my curtains.

It's a beautiful day in Havelock, North Carolina. Its the end of summer and I should be attending a new high school. When my dad died in a car accident this spring. My mom moved us from Athens, Georgia to here.

I was in the back seat of the car when a deer ran in the middle of the road. My dad swerved to try to miss the animal and hit a tree. That night he died ,but I only got a couple of bruises and a concussion for 2 days. My mom couldn't bear what happened to my dad, so I was forced to leave my school and friends behind. To move here and to become unpopular and a loser.

I take a shower ,get dressed and go downstairs for breakfast. "Hey, mom whats for breakfast?" I ask sitting down at the counter.

"Eggs, bacon, toast help yourself," she replies. Dylan comes in and sits down next to me as I grab a piece of bacon and start munching down on it.

I turn to Dylan and asks, "hey, by any chance were you in my room last night?" I really was hoping mom didn't hear. He just shook his head.

Dylan gets up and heads for the door, "I'm gonna check out the town be back later. Bye."

I wait until the door closes to ask, "since when is he interested in the neighborhood. Last time I checked he didn't want to do anything since you know what." Ever since dad died we can't talk about dad around mom. She gets all emotional and stuff. Since Dylan is the eldest he always was dad's favorite. They always played basketball, baseball, and football together.

Dad would go to all of Dylan's games. Dad worked as a dentist every other day ,so he could spend time with us. I usually was always busy with friends, boyfriends, or school so we didn't really talk or do anything together. It was my fault that he died. My mom doesn't agree ,but my dad was taking me to Emma's house to spend the night.

If I hadn't begged him to take me, he wouldn't be dead right now. "I think he is trying to get over it. Unlike you blaming yourself for what happened. You didn't do it Elizabeth, you know that right? It happened for a reason, you know." she says.

I get up, "thats where your wrong. I did do it and it wasn't fate." This is the conversation that we have had so many times since I woke up in the hospital after the car accident. "I am not having this conversation again with you," I say making sure I get everything out before she interrupts me.

I go into the living room and turn the t.v. on. The news is on. I sit down on the couch and watch.

"Young man found dead out on route 88. Reports are coming in saying his name is Jonathan Remington. Son of Dale and Christine Remington. Police say he was attacked by a animal while walking home from a friends house," the reporter says.

A clip comes up and a boy says, "I am the last person to see him," says Ryan Gravenger.

My mom walks in asking, "whats going on? Who died?"

I look up from the tv and say, "Jonathan Remington was attacked by a animal and killed."

I turn my attention back to the t.v. "We will have more information on the killing at 8 o'clock tonight. Make sure you watch." the reporter says. Then the weather man comes on and mom turns off the t.v.

I go upstairs to my room and sit down at my desk. I open my laptop and turn it on. While its turning on I check my phone.

One missed call from Emma and 5 texts from her, my ex-boyfriend Jacob (the guy I was dating before we moved.) and Kate who usually gets annoyed when I don't text back the first time. I reply and log on my laptop. I go on google and type in Jonathan Remington.

A picture of a tall, cute, wavy blonde hair ,and blue eye guy shows up. The caption says, "Jonathan Remington killed by a animal."

I click on it. It talks about his parents, how his body was found, who discovered it, but nothing I was hoping for, so I shut down my laptop and go into my bathroom and look in the mirror.

My auburn hair is shiny, my hazel eyes bright and my face pale as always. I'm skinny too. Dylan has the same features just his hair is wavy. He is muscular and thats only because of sports.

I run a brush through my hair and then for the rest of the day I got everything ready for school tomorrow. I'm going to hate it. Not knowing anyone or the school even. I'm smart, always get good grades and all, but only because the teachers made the subjects fun.

I go down to dinner that night. I sit down and start eating. "You 2 all ready for school?" mom asks.

"Yeah," Dylan mumbles in between bites.

"How about you Eli?" she ask.

"Yeah, of course," I reply fast ,so I can finish up and leave. We eat and go our separate ways.

I go upstairs and get ready for bed. I leave the bathroom with my pj's on and dirty clothes in my hand. I put them in the hamper and turn towards my bed and see a single rose on my pillow. What the? How did that get there? A better question who put it there? I went to pick it up ,it was so pretty. I wonder who put this here? I got into bed and quickly fell asleep. I wake up at 6:30am and get ready for school. I wear my favorite jeans and my favorite shirt. After I head downstairs to eat breakfast. We eat and mom brings us to school.

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