A Love Story...or Not

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Chapter 8

    When I get out I put my robe on and go downstairs because I don’t have the energy to get dressed. I sit on the couch next to mom.  “How you feeling?” she asks. I look at her. “Normal ,I feel absolutely normal,” I reply. She hugs me tightly and i wrap my ams around her and start crying into her shoulder.

“Shhh....it will all be okay honey. It will all be okay,” she tries to calm me down. After A while I stop crying. “Do you want anything to eat ,honey?” she asks me getting up. I nod and she walks out to the kitchen.

Blake’s P.O.V.

Elizabeth and I are walking into school when we see a group of people surrounded around something. We head over to see what it is and when I see what it is I freeze. It’s the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.

She looks up and our eyes meet and I instantly know were mates. I leave Elizabeth and go talk to her. She stands up and walks toward me. “Hi, I’m Fawn,” she says. “Blake,” I reply. I send ‘I’m sorry ,but we are done. I found my mate and its not you.’ to Elizabeth.

Elizabeth’s P.O.V.

The day passes and the next morning I shower and get on a pair of jeans, fuzzy boots, t-shirt and my coat and go and finish getting ready. I grab my stuff and head downstairs and sit at the table. I start eating my food that is placed on the table in my seat.

“Are you sure your gonna go to school today? she asks.  I nod and grab my keys off the hook and head out to my car. I drive to school scared for what today is going to bring. When I go into english and look at my seat Blake and the bitch is there. I look around and theres a seat next to April. I didn’t know she had this class with me. I go over and ask, “can I sit here?” she looks up and see its me.

 “Oh ,yeah definitely. What happened with you and Blake?” she says pointing at them giggling. I sit down and drop my stuff. “Umm....we grew apart and I guess he moved on,” I lie knowing I can’t tell her the truth. The day was so painful.


A month pasts. Its the middle of May. I walk into school and see a guy. He looks like a total jerk ,so I just brush past him ,but instead I end up hitting into him trying to dodge someone. “Oh, I’m so sorry,” I sat and look up. He offers me a hand and says, “ No, its my fault,” he stops in mid sentence as soon as our eyes meet. I take his hand and a tingle goes through my arm.

He pulls me up. “Umm...uh....what was that?” I ask him. He doesn’t let go of my hand. I don’t mind though. “I have some explaining to do I guess.” he says starting to pull me outside not stopping till we get into the words right next to the school.

He drops my hand and turns and faces me. “How do I put this? Umm...I’m a werewolf,” he says. At first I was a little shocked ,but then I figured if vampires were real then werewolves could be. “Okay,” I reply. He looks at me shocked. “Umm....do you believe me?” I  nod and laugh. “What?” he asks. I stop laughing. “Umm....you think I would freak when I used to be a vampire and my family are witches.” I say. He freaks!

 “WHAT????!!!! YOUR A VAMPIRE!!!!?????””” he yells. I slap a hand over his mouth. “No ,I said I used to be. A vampire I was dating turned me ,but after he ditched me for his mate. Since my family is a series of very powerful witches they turned me back to human,” I say. He hugs me tightly. “Oh, thank god.” I pull back and look at him.

I go on my tippy toes and kiss him on the cheek. Before I can pull away he puts a hand to my cheek and the other around my waist. I instantly put my arms around his neck and we start kissing. I don;t know how long we are there when I break the kiss hearing a bell. “So, I think you left something out,” I tell him. He laughs and this time butterflies literally go off in my stomach.

Not like with Blake its ten times better. “Oh, ya your my mate,” he says. I start jumping in place and clapping. “Happy much?” he asks starting to laugh. “YES!!!! I got you as my mate!” I scream. He laughs. “Also I feel stupid I don’t even know your name yet. I’m Damien. Damien Hunt” he says. I stop jumping up and down.   

“Elizabeth, Elizabeth Conwell.” I say.He takes my hand and leads me to a car. “Wait, where are we going?” He turns to me and says, “I’m taking you to my mom and dad. My dad is the alpha of the pack and my mother would like to know as soon as possible about us.” he says. Oh, great not even a hour and he already wants me to meet his family.

I look around and see Blake and the bitch coming out of the school. “Umm...I’ll follow you with my car. I can’t just leave it,” I say. He nods and gets in his car. I go over to my car and Blake is there with the bitch. I try to avoid them ,but there in the way of the drivers door. I walk up and say, “move!”

He just looks at me. “How?” he asks. “How what!” I scream getting mad. “How are you human?” he asks. “Why the hell should you care!!! You ditched m for that peace of shit. She hisses at me and the next thing I know Damien is next to me. He has my hand.

“Are these couple of freaks bothering you?” he asks.  “Yes, they are.”I reply. Blake looks confused. I look him in the eye and say, “this is my mate.” He looks shocked. “But, but he is a werewolf!”

“Ya, so and I’m human whoopdy doo da day.” I say sarcastically. “Now Move!!! So, my mate can get in her car.” Damien says. They move only a few feet ,but enough for me to get my door open. I get in and wave Damien back to his car.

Damien’s P.O.V.

I get in my car and Elizabeth goes over to her car ,but stops. Two people are there.  roll down my window to hear and there scent comes in. Vampires. I get out with my werewolf speed and am next to her in seconds.


(You guys already read what happens next.) I go and get in my car and pull out and drive a little and wait for her. The vampires are still there watching her. Grrr. They made me pissed. Why the fuck were they in front of her car anyway?

Elizabeth’s P.O.V.

I pull out and there still watching me. God they piss me off! I follow Damien to his house. When we get there my jar drops. The house is like huge!  I park my car next to Damien’s and get out locking it. I go over and Damien takes my hand. We walk hand and hand and Damien calls out, “Mom, Dad!!! Come down into the living room!”

What Will Happen? (Completed/editing process)Where stories live. Discover now