A Love Story...or Not

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Chapter 5

    Blake walks forward and grabs my shoulders. “I’m a vampire,” he says.

Blake’s P.O.V.

“I’m a vampire,” I say. The next thing I know Elizabeth faints. I grab ahold of her before she hits the ground and pick her up bridal style. I rummage through her bag until I find her keys and unlock her car and put her in the passenger seat. I get in the drivers seat and drive to my house in the woods. I park the car and go over to the passenger side and grab Elizabeth.

I lock the car and use my vampire speed and run into my bedroom. I lay her down on the bed and sit down next to her sleeping form. I watch her as she sleeps.

Elizabeth’s P.O.V.

The next thing I know I’m laying in a bed in a room I do not recognize. I sit up and Blake is there by my side. I jump and fall on the floor and crawl to the corner of the room and curl into a ball. Wanting to get as far away from him as I can. “I don’t believe you. You just can’t be.” I stutter. Blake gets up in a blur. The next thing I know he is right in front of me. His face is pale. His eyes are black and theres like cracks going down under his eyes. Also he has fangs! I scream. He puts a hand over my mouth. “I will not hurt you,” he says.

Blake uncovers my mouth. I get up and go over and sit on the bed. I curl into a ball and think for hours. Finally I say, “turn me.” Blake comes over and says, “are you sure?” I stand up. “Yes, I want to be with you.” He sets me down on the bed. “How do you turn me?” I ask looking directly into his eyes. We exchange blood and then have to die with my blood in your system.

After you wake up ,you got to feed. On human blood,” he says. I sit there and think. “Yes ,that is my final answer,” I say. Blake lays me down. “Okay ,do not resist. It will hurt worse. He leans down near my neck. His face changes and he bites my neck. At first all I feel is pain ,but then all I feel is him. I hear his thoughts ,I feel his mouth on my neck. The next thing I know is that he’s cutting his own wrist with a pocket knife. I try to sit up ,but he pushes me back down.

“Your weak I drank most f your blood. You could die if you tried to do anything. Drink.” He puts his wrist to my mouth. I look at him and grab his wrist and start to drink. At first it comes slow then it explodes in my mouth. I want more and thats all I can think about. After about 2 minutes he pulls me off of his wrist. I look up at him and say, “now what?” He puts his hand on my cheek. “I’m sorry ,but....this,” The next thing I know he snaps my neck.

Blake’s P.O.V.

I snap her neck hoping she will wake up. I place her gently on the bed and wipe her mouth with my sleeve. I sit there for hours waiting for her to wake up ,but she just doesn’t. So I get up and kiss her forehead and leave the room. I might as well get something to eat for me and her when she’s sleeping. I run into the woods and find a man and a woman hiking. I feed on the man and knock out the woman. I bury the mans body and shove the woman’s limp body back to the house. I throw her in the closet in the bedroom. I go and lay down next to her and sleep. Just in case she wakes up I leave a note and the ring that will protect her from the sun.


3 days later. I wake up that morning to find her still motionless. Why isn’t she waking up? She should have by now. She’s dead and not waking up thats it. That’s why she’s not waking up. I snap I start running and the next thing I know is that I’m in the woods with a group of hikers dead and drained of blood I’m standing there my body covered with blood. I bury the hikers and go back to the house.

I walk in my closet downstairs and change. Somethings different. I can feel it. After I’m done I go upstairs.

Elizabeth’s P.O.V.

When I open my eyes, theres loads of pain. I’m so hungry. I sit up and nobodies here ,but me. My eyes are killing me. I go over and shut the curtains. I hear somebody in the closet. I open the door and see a human. I can see her vain’. The blood going through them. It looked so good. The human screams. I grab it and sink my teeth into it’s neck.

Blood pours into my mouth. It’s so hot and juicy. It ends so fast. I drop the body and go into the bathroom. I look in the mirror. My hair is a mess ,I have fangs ,my eyes are black ,and theres cracks running down my face. “Blake?” I say. I clean up and head out of the bathroom. There is a ring on the ned. I must have missed it. I put it on. There’s also a letter.


    I really hope you read this. If you wake up. You have been dead for 3 days. I got scared you died completely. There’s a human in the closet. Always wear the ring. It protects you from the sun. The sun can burn you up if you are not wearing it.



I put the note in my pocket and go to the window. I open the curtains and look out. My car is in the driveway. I go downstairs. Still no sign of Blake. My keys are on the kitchen counter. I grab them and head outside. The sun hurts ,but it’s manageable. I unlock my car and get in. I drive home and go inside.

Blake’s P.O.V.

She’s not there. I looked everywhere. The human is dead and the ring and note is gone. Also her car is gone. She’s awake and alive! I run out of the house and all the way to her house.

Elizabeth’s P.O.V.

“Elizabeth? Is that you?” mom calls from the living room. “Ya, it’s me. I’ve been at a friends house. Sorry I didn’t have my phone.” I say. Mom comes into the kitchen and hugs me. I see the vain’s in her neck. The blood. It looks so good. I stiffen not wanting to kill my mother. “Do you want anything to eat?” she asks. I don’t think her food will taste good no matter what. “Umm........no thanks. I grabbed lunch on the way hear.” “Well okay.” She leaves. I head up to my room and grab my phone.

There’s messages and missed calls ,but I ignore them and call Jane. It just keeps ringing ,so I hang up. I go and flop down on my bed. I’m so thirsty. I’m guessing I got to go feed on someone then. Hmm.....I wonder. I stand up and walk a second later I’m downstairs. Cool. Now I see how Blake left ,so quickly. It’s 8 o’ clock. Moms  calling for dinner. I go and sit down.

I also wonder. I grab my fork and start eating. It’s not gross ,but I still prefer blood. I finish up and bring my dishes to the sink where mom is doing dishes. “Here, I’m going to bed. Night,” I say. Night she calls. I walk upstairs and shut my door. I go over to my closet and change into black under armer and a t-shirt. I put on a pair of black sneakers and go over to my door leading to the balcony.  I go outside and jump over the railing. I easily land on my feet.

What Will Happen? (Completed/editing process)Where stories live. Discover now