A Love Story...or Not

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Chapter 11

The door opens and Damien walks out. He looks sad and okay though. He looks healthy. I get to excited and drop my backpack and start running towards him. I forgot that he didn’t know I was a werewolf or that I was still in werewolf form. He turned into his werewolf form and bit into my front paw.

I yelped in pain. I fell to the ground and looked at him with sadness in my eyes. I send him a message in his head. ‘How could you’ I say. I get up and start running/limping to my bag and grab it. ‘Elizabeth???!!!’ he says. I don’t turn around and start running trying to ignore the pain. I ditch my backpack in a tree where I know he won’t be able to smell it.

I start rolling in the mud knowing he won’t be able to smell me if I do. I start running as fast as I can until I just can’t run anymore. I lay down and lick my paw trying to make it stop hurting. Eventually I fall asleep.

Damien’s P.O.V.

I wake up in my bed a week later. What the fuck happened? I look at my phone and see theres a note from Eli.  ‘I love you so much ,but I have to go. I will see you sometime. I promise you that. Goodbye. -Elizabeth.’ WHAT THE HELL!!!??? My father explains everything that he knew to me and I wen outside to try to think and get some fresh air. I get outside and a wolf is running at me I turn and bite its leg. It yelps in pain.

It falls and looks up with sadness in its eyes. OH MY GOD!!!! I know those eyes. ‘How could you’ she says in my head. She starts limping across the yard. ‘Elizabeth???!!!” I ask. She doesn’t answer just starts running with a backpack. After A few seconds I realize that when I claimed her it would turn her because our mates had to be a werewolf. I start running after her ,but her scent stops by a pile of mud.

I start flipping out. I run back and shift not caring if I’m naked of not and run in the house. I explain to my dad and he calls a search party while I’m getting a robe on. We go and search for her ,but we never find her. I won’t give up till I find her.

Elizabeth’s P.O.V.

I wake up still a wolf. I try to turn back ,but I just don’t know how. I decide to go get my backpack. I limp all the way back to where I left it. I don’t know how I remembered where ,but I did. I start limping some random direction. Till I find a huge mansion. Its not the packs house so it might be another pack.

I start walking towards the door when a man comes out. I think its the alpha. “Who are you?” he asks with a stern voice. Definitely the alpha. Wait I know this man!!! ‘Dad?’ I say into his head.  He looks confused. “Change back now!” he demands. Somehow now I am able to change back. He looks away for me to get dressed. I do and look at him.

OH MY GOD!!!! !ITS MY FATHER!!! “Dad?” I ask. He nods. “How did you find me and how are you a werewolf. Neither you or your brother turned when you hit 13 ,so I figured you never would.” he says. I didn’t say anything just limp to him and he envelopes me in a hug. I cry until there are no tears left to shed.

He pulls me into the house and everyone looks at us. “This is my daughter Elizabeth everyone,” he says. They all say hi and I wave. We go up to what I’m guessing is his office. He sits at his desk and I sit on the couch and snuggle up with a blanket. “I thought you were dead. What happened?” I ask immediately.

 “Well, I was beta of this pack until the day my father died and gave the pack to me. Since you and your brother never changed and your mother never aloud me to claim her and change her. She didn’t want either of you to know about my side of the family just hers. So, when I was to become alpha I had to pretend to die so you guys wouldn’t know about us.”

Thats why mom didn’t allow us to talk about him. Is that why we became so rich? “Dad? Does this mean you can move in with us and be a family again?” He nods. I get up and go over and hug him. Come on I’ll bring you home.” he says. “Dad, did I change because of the mating?” He shakes his head. “At first you were going through the change ,but what you have told me. The change takes months to happen ,but since you got so angry your wolf side decided to come out of hiding. Also your wolf wouldn’t be so massive and powerful if you were just a mate to a werewolf,” he says. I nod my head in under standment.

“Can you drive me to the school ,so I can get my car?” He nods and droves me to the school. I say goodbye and head to my car and throw my bag in and drive home.  Dad is waiting outside for me and we go in. Dylan and mom are in the living room.  Mom and Dylan look up and gape. “Jayden?” mom asks. “Dad?” Dylan asks. Dad explains everything to Dylan and tells mom he loves her.

Mom leaves with dad and and afterwards she comes back claimed. Knowing she couldn’t wait me and Dylan just smiled. Dylan took it very good because he missed dad and it wasn’t dad’s fault he couldn’t stay with us.


A month passes and its graduation day!!! Yay!!!! I’m finally gonna graduate. I wake up that morning and go take a shower. I come out and put my dress on I got just for this day. It’s midnight blue. (it is on the side) I curl my hair and pin it back. I put light make up on knowing that I don’t need it because of my werewolf genes.

I put my black heels on and grab my purple and white cap and gown and go downstairs. Of course mom wants pictures so finally after that we head to the school. I haven’t seen anybody from Damien’s pack they all changed schools. No one knows where I am apparently and I want it to stay that way because he hurt me. Of course it healed the day after it happened.

Damien came to my dad’s pack not knowing he was my father and asked if he seen me. I told my dad to tell him no. So anyways graduation passed and afterwards I was talking with all my friends taking pictures and everything. Until I see Damien. I try to get away into the forest ,but he stops me and turns me towards him. “LET GO OF ME!” I yell. He does hearing the alpha power in my voice.

Apparently I’m next in line for alpha because Dylan can’t turn no matter what so it was given to me. “Why didn’t you come back to me?” he said. “You hurt me! How could I?” I say.

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