A Love Story...or Not (The final chapter)

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Chapter 17

“We are hear today to discuss what will happen between our 2 packs. Since both our children has to take it over.” my father says. Everyone nods.  We are in the council room. With the council, Damien, Alpha Knight, my father and me. Oh my name is now Elizabeth Marie Knight. Ha sounds cool right? “What shall we do?” Alpha Knight asks. Damien speaks up from the spot next to me. “I think either mine or Elizabeth’s pack should be handed down to the beta.”

Actually thats a pretty good idea ,but Damien knows I will never leave my pack. If I hand down my pack I would only be alpha female like my mother ,but I want to be alpha of my pack because everyone there knows and loves me. I look at Damien and realized everyone agreed with the idea. They are waiting for my opinion. I nod and say, “but which pack though?” Everyone immediately starts talking ,but Damien says into my head, ‘ I think it should be your pack. It is bigger and my beta is strong enough to handle my pack.’

I look at him a little surprised that he would be willing to give up his pack for me. ‘Are you sure?’ I answer. He simply just nods and I hold up a hand. Everyone quiets down. “We have decided that I will be handed my pack down to the beta. Since my father is still in charge he would hand it down to the beta.” Damien says. Everyone looks at him surprised that he would hand his pack down. Instead of me. “Are you sure?” I hear alpha Knight ask. Damien nods. It was his choice not mine. “This meeting is closed. Elizabeth call a meeting and introduce the pack to your mate.” My father says and I nod. I get up and take Damien’s hand and walk out the door.

We walk to my fathers office upstairs and I go over and hit the button. “Everyone please go to the backyard. A meeting will be held.” I say and shut the button off. We go out the door and onto the balcony. We wait until everyone is there. “Hi, everyone. So all of you will be wondering who is this. Well some of you might know him ,but not everyone. This is Damien Knight. My mate.” I say and Damien waves.

“Since you all know he is the son of Alpha Knight of The Twilight Pack. (No not the twilight from the twilight saga.) Also since I’m next in line for alpha to Damien will be handing his pack down to his beta. I will stay on and become alpha.” Everyone cheers for a bit till I raise my hand. “This meeting is closed. You may go.”


Months pass and were getting ready for the baby. Also alpha was passed down to me too ,but my father will be dealing with the duties until the baby is born. Damien has been so excited. Only letting me shift when I had too. It sucked I missed going out and running everyday in the morning. Did I mention that we have woods like right behind our house so we can shift and leave whenever we want.

I wake up that night to feel a sharp pain. I know what it is as soon as I felt it. I get up and go over and get dresses in a pair of sweats and a sweatshirt. I go over to Damien and start shaking his awake. “Damien, come on the babies coming.” I say. As soon as I said that his eye’s opened and he ran to the closet and came out fully dressed and the baby bag.

He picks me up and run downstairs and into the car. He speeds to the pack hospital because its different when werewolves give birth. There could be multiple babies that the doctor didn’t know about. Also after the baby is born it might shift then or it might shift when they hit puberty. Also we don’t get fat so it would be weird.

With my family since my father never changed my mother it took longer for one of us to change. My brother took after my mothers side and I took after both sides. While I was thinking I realized that Damien was carrying me inside the hospital and the doctor wheeled me into the delivery room.

They leave me there so I can change into the hospital gown and get comfy in the bed.  I do and get in the bed. A couple hours pass with so much pain and waiting. Until finally after 5 hours the baby is ready to be delivered. I start screaming in agony. I only allowed my mother and Damien in here. I was holding on to them for dear life.

“Okay, Elizabeth I need you to push.” The doctor says. “I AM PUSHING DO YOU NOT SEE THAT!!!!!!!” I yell at the doctor still pushing with all my might. It felt like hours were passing until finally a cry echoes through the room. “Congratulations, its a girl.” the doctor says handing the baby to me.

We didn’t even think of a name yet. I feel more pain come and start screaming again. Damien takes my little girl from me and I start pushing again. It felt like another 5 hours passed until finally another cry goes through the room. “Congratulations, this one is a boy.” the doctor says. Good thing we had a extra room set up for a boy and a extra baby bag filled with boy stuff in the car.

My mother goes and gets it while they clean up the two babies. “What should we name them?” Damien asks. “You make a name for the boy and I make one for the girl.” I reply. He nods and starts thinking. My mom comes back in with the bag and gives it to the nurse with my little boy.

They get them cleaned up and give the girl to me and the boy to Damien. I look at my little girl and find the name I want to name her. “Alexandra Knight.” Damien looks at me and smiles. “She looks like a Alexandra. Doesn’t she?” I nod. “Did you find a name for him?” I ask him. He looks down at our little boy and smiles. “I think his name should be Shane Knight.” I look at him with a huge smile on my face. “I love it.

A year later. “Okay, Mrs. Knight. I need you to push real good.” I start screaming in pain. Damien next to my side.I hear a cry finally. This time the doctor knows I’m having only one baby ,so we don’t need to be surprised. They made sure they checked thoroughly. “Congratulations. Its a girl.” He gives me my baby girl. “Nellie Knight.” I say.

“I love you Elizabeth,” Damien says. “I love you too Damien.” I reply.

THE END!!!!!!

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