A Love Story...or Not

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Chapter 14

Damien’s P.O.V.

I wake up to a very dark room. Which I’m guessing is the basement of there pack house because I can hear all the movement from above. I try to move ,but realize I’m changed from head to toe with chains.Some one comes in. Its Jacob.

“What do you want a$$hole?” I ask. “What did you just call me?” he asks. “I said your a a$$hole!” I yell making sure he can hear me. He comes over and kicks me in the face. “Ow you mother f*cker!” I yell in pain. “Good,” he says starting to beat the crap out of me.

Elizabeth’s P.O.V.

I’m laying in my bed that night one a sudden rush of pain hits me. I scream out in pain. My father comes running in. “Whats wrong Eli?” “I don’t know. Theres just pain,” I say in between screams. “Damien is being hurt. You can feel his pain through the bond Eli,” my father says.

I black out with so much pain.


Weeks pass in such a  blur. We planned that the people who aren’t going would stay with the underage teenagers and protect the children if anybody comes. They will be in the safe room at all times after we leave.

Also we will be attacking in 2 days. We have been training very hard. I’ve been helping people train a lot since my father trained me 2 months ago.  Also the pain has come ,so much I don’t know how Damien is surviving through it.  I cry myself to sleep at night thinking about Damien

The 2 days go by fast with all the training and pain. There is 300 hundred of us going. I will be leading a group of 75 to the bottom half of the house. My father will lead another group of 75 to the top of the house. Also Alpha Knight. (A.k.a Damien’s father) Also my father’s beta will take a group of 75 to the right side of the house. Alpha Knight’s beta will take a group of 75 to the left side of the house.

I wake up that morning and strip and put a robe on and brush through my hair. I go out of my room and to my mother’s and father’s room. My mother hasn’t changed yet ,but she will soon. I knock on the door and my mother answers it fully dressed. I give her a quick hug and she whispers into my ear, “please come back.”

I nod and turn and walk down the stairs to the dining room. My father is their with Alpha Knight and both the beta’s. There eating and talking. Also theirs a plate of food next to y father. I sit down and start eating. I don’t got the best of manners. I think there pointless when your a werewolf.

I eat a lot more since I am one ,but I never get fat because I run so much. We finish eating and I lead the way to the backyard to all the men that are going. They are also wearing robes. There cheap so we wear them when we shift.

“We will be going to Athens, Georgia. To bring back what is rightfully ours. Lets shift and head out,” I say. Everyone shifts including me. ‘Find your group leader and move out.’ I say in each of there heads. My group come finds me and we start running towards the enemies house. We get there by noon since we have in human speed.

We come out behind the house. I see that the whole pack lives here. ‘We are in front of the house,’ my father says. So doesn’t the beta’s and Alpha Knight. ‘Attack!’ I yell into my pack’s heads. My group starts running forward with me at the lead. I break through the glass. The whole front side of the house is made of glass.

The pack of the enemy is so confused. Then the women start picking up children and start running up the stairs. The men shift ,but not quick enough because we are already on them. I bite into the necks, legs, heads, arms, stomachs, and and body part I can sink my teeth into. By the time I’m done I look around some of us are dead ,but only like 10 but nothing over.

More comes down the stairs in the wolf forms. They must have been in there rooms. We finish of with the ones we got and I let them handle the ones coming. I look around trying to find the basement door because I will bet thats where they have everyone. I go through a bunch of rooms breaking down doors. Killing anybody that gets in my way until finally I find it.

I break it down and go running down the stairs. In the first room I see our missing people. I break there chains with my teeth and say in there heads, ‘get upstairs the pack is here and your mates to save you.” They immediately go up the stairs. I break down the next door and find the Alpha of The Fire Pack and his beta and Jacob there standing next to Damien.

He looks up at me and gives me a weak smile. I see that his clothes are shredded on the floor and his body is covered in cuts, bruises, and everything. I snap and run and bite into a confused beta. I turn to the alpha and he shifts ,but I run and jump onto his back. I bite into his neck and snap it. Jacob howls with anger. I turn around and face him. ‘So you finally came. We thought you would be dump enough to come by yourself.’ Jacob says into my mind. ‘No I’m not. Why did you take my mate???!!!!’ I yell. Instead of answering me he walks over and bites into Damien’s stomach. I howl with anger and run at Jacob. He dodges and bites into my leg. I ignore the pain and leap at his back leg since he’s still turned around from jumping past.

I sink my teeth in deep and snap of the leg. He yelps and falls. I jump and bite into his neck with all my strength and snap his neck. I turn to see Damien in so much pain. I bite off his chains and pull them off of him trying not to hurt him.

He falls to the ground in pain. I put my nose under him and push his limp body up onto my back. My father comes in and sees the dead bodies and Damien on my back. He nods and I ran past him and through the doorway. I run up the stairs to my men waiting or reuniting with their mates

They look at me and bow their heads. I run past them and jump out the window telling them to look and find any of our men that is injured and find the women and children and bring them to the to The Blue Moon pack. They need more people in their pack.

I run all the way back to the pack doctor who is at the hospital with the rest of the pack members who work there. I run in and they take him from my back and put him on a bed. They rush him to a room. I try to follow ,but they stop me. They lead me to a room and put a pair of jeans, black t-shirt, and black converse on the bed.

Everyone who knows about the pack always keep regular outfits ready if a wolf comes in with a injured mate or something. I quickly shift and get dressed. I don’t care what I look like I just want to know if Damien will be okay. He was bleeding pretty bad. His stomach didn’t stop.

I run out of the room ,but again the nurse stops me. I start trying to get past her because I can feel Damien’s pain and I can feel him slipping away. I start screaming. “LET ME GO!!!! I’M LOOSING HIM! HES GONNA DIE! I CAN FEEL IT!” But they ignore me and drag me to a room and strap me to a chair. I still struggle.

Why the hell are they doing this to me. The nurse comes back with a shot I try to move away from her ,but I can’t. She comes over and injects the needle into my arm. “WHAT THE FUCK!!!????” I yell. “That shot will make you unable to shift for the next 24 hours and will knock you out for we don’t know how long. We have never used it before until now. Once you fall into the sleep you will not wake up until the the medicine leaves your body. That can take days even weeks because I injected it directly into your vain.

I feel the sleepiness start to come. The next thing I know. I’m surrounded in darkness.


There is not that many chapters left there is going to be 17 chapters I think but if not i apologize. Please everyone Vote Comment and Read please!!!!!! Thank you all for reading so far!

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