A Love Story...or Not

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Chapter 3

     When we get home ,I ask "Do you want anything to eat?" I point to the fridge. "No thanks," Jane says. We head upstairs to my room. Dylan's there ,in my doorway. "What do you want Dylan?" I ask annoyed. Jane says, "Ya, Dylan and your not my type ,so leave. Now!" Dylan stares at her and when I clear my throat. Dylan snaps out of it and walks away. "That was strange." I say. We head into my room and shut the door. She drops her bag and flops down on my bed. "Nice...I wish I had this, but of course I have 2 twin baby sisters,

There always favored more then me," she says.I felt sad for her. Now I know why she dresses how she does. "So....."she says.We sit on my bed for hours on top. Telling each other about ourselves. Until my mom calls up saying, "Dinner!"We go down and eat dinner. It was peaceful until my mom asks, "I see you made a friend. Did you make any others?" I look at Jane and give her the are we friends look and she nods. I say, "Yeah, I guess I did. I made two others too. There names are Blake and Anna." The only thing my mom says is "oh."

Then we eat the rest of of dinner in silence. Afterwards we rinse off our plates and go into the living room. I turn the t.v. on and the news is on. "Hey, umm do you know anything about Ryan Gravenger? Also are you spending the night?"

I change the channel to a movie. We watch it for a couple seconds. "Yeah, if you want me too. Also, ya I do know him. We used to date, but then what happened to Jonathan. He broke up with me and went into denial," she says. We finish the movie, but I didn't really watch it. I was to busy thinking.

I guess thats why he looked like he was in denial. After the movie we head upstairs and get ready for bed. She is brushing her hair in the bathroom when I ask, "Was Ryan and Jonathan best friends?" She glances at me and says, "Ya, they did everything together even dated best friends. When Jonathan died he was dating my best friend. Her parents made her move away after they found out. Then Ryan broke up with me and we haven't talked since. Why do you ask?"

I itch my arm, so I look innocent. "Umm.....I saw it on the news. Ryan was the last one to see Jonathan alive." I mumble the alive part. We both yawn at the same time. We look at each other and laugh. "You look tired. Lets go to bed," I say still laughing.She nods and heads for the bed. We get comfy and head off to dream land. I wake up around three in the morning, hearing a voice. I look at Jane. She's still fast asleep, so is it just in my mind? "May, its okay I won't hurt you. Come here," I hear. May? Like the girl at lunch? All of a sudden I hear footsteps. I look around......nothing. "Thats right come closer," the voice says again. "Who are you?" as I guess the voice is May.

She screams ,so loud it hurts my ears. I look at Jane. Nothing....nothing at all. Still fast asleep. Then the scream goes silent. I lay back and eventually fell asleep. I wake up at 6:30am and wake up Jane. "Mom, stop I'm tired,"she opens her eyes just enough to see its me. "Oh, sorry about that," she sits up. "Its okay' but we got to get ready for school." I say getting up out f bed. "Umm...you can borrow clothes.

I have a lot. All different kinds, so you should find something you like," I say going into the bathroom to take a shower. When I come out ,she has a cute outfit picked out laying on the bed. Black skinny jeans, with high heeled boots that go to your knees. Also a shirt that is deep blue with a black leather jacket. "What do you think of it?" she asks smiling at me. "Its cute and I mean like really cute." I say like really quickly. "Good, because I picked it out for you. To see my style and have a taste of it. I was actually thinking you could do the same for me?" she looks at me, eyes pleading for me to say yes. "Well......okay," I say happily. "Yay!!!!!!" she squeals and runs up to me. She gives me a big hug and runs into the bathroom ,also shutting the door behind her.

I put on the outfit and look in the mirror. Damn! I look hot! After that I head into my huge closet. I pick out a cute pair of black shorts with black converse. I find this lime green shirt, that matches the shorts. I bring the outfit out and put it on the bed. Jane comes out with just a towel on. She eyes the the clothes and smiles. "What do you think of my style. I know I like yours." I smile and turn around in a circle to show off.

"Ya, I definitely do and you look hot!" she says running to the bed ,so she could put it on. I go into the bathroom ,so she can put it on. Do you think you can do my hair too?" I ask hoping she will say yes. She comes into the bathroom looking hot. "I was just about to ask that." She comes over and I sit down in my chair. She starts brushing my hair with the brush that was on the counter. After she's done I look in the mirror.

My hairs up in a pony tail. My bangs hanging down for a change instead of pinned back like usual. There was also a single dark blue streaks through my hair ,but she assured me it comes out in the shower. I love it! It goes with my outfit. I straighten her hair because it is usually curly. I put it so its parted on to the side and leave  it just flat and her bangs just hanging there. She looks in the mirror and squeals. "Thanks. I can't believe it. I look hot!" She smiles and hugs me.

Breakfast!" mom calls up. We grab our stuff and head downstairs. We sit down and my mom looks at us. "Wow looks like you two have swapped styles." While were eating Dylan walks in and gapes at Jane. She rolls her eyes and looks at him. I mean like really looks at him. He is wearing dark baggy jeans with black boots on. he has a plain black shirt that shows off his muscles. His hair spiked and his eyes are like shinning as in hoping Jane will go out with him.

"Hi," he says directly to Jane. "Hey," she blushes. "Do you want to go out with me?" he asks. She looks at me asking if she can say yes. I nod and she says, "sure." We head to school and part our separate ways. While on the way to english Anna finds me. "Hey." "Hi," I look at her. "Well you look different ,but a hot different," she says. We stop right outside of class and say your goodbyes. I walk in and look where Blake sat yesterday. He's not there. I go and sit down and then the bell rings. The I hear a soft ,"hi. I turn to see Blake sitting next to me.

"Hey, did you just get here?" I ask. I swore he wasn't there a minute ago. "Uhhh.....ya I got here a little late," he says. Class goes by fast and when the bell rings Blake asks ,"May I walk you to your next class? Like yesterday?" "Sure," I grab my bag and stand up. He grabs my hand and I blush. We walk to class and say bye.

I head over and sit next to Anna. "Hey," I say dropping my bag. "Hi! Hey.......do you want to come over tomorrow night?" I think to see if I'm good. "Umm.......sure I guess." I start painting. "Great!" Class goes by pretty fast. I walk to math and sit down by Jane. "Guess what!" I drop my bag and look at her. Just how I left her. "What?" I ask looking at her. "Dylan and I.....are going on a date tonight! Is that alright with you?" I look at her and blink. "I don't. Have fun!" Math passes and so does spanish. When the bell rings I grab my bag and head for lunch ,but as soon as I exit the classroom Blake is there.

Leaning against the door. "May I?" reaching his hand towards me. I take it and say ,"you may." We walk to lunch and sit down where we did yesterday. "You look different today ,and so does Jane." he laughs that laugh that sets my stomach fluttering.

"Uh.....ya were friends now. She came over last night.: I laugh too. Should I tell him what happened to May? One part of me says no he will just think your crazy ,but the other part says yes he will want to know. Instead I say," Hey, have you ever head of someone that experiences someone die? But they only hear it?" He looks at me strangely. "Yeah, I have ,but that doesn't happen to a lot of people."

I look at him. "How does it happen to people? You know how do they get the ability?" I ask very interested in it. Wondering if I have the ability. "Umm.........people usually get the ability after either a great loss or being traumatized. Like a car accident or something like that." he laughs and I laugh with him knowing I had both of these things happen to me.

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