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After Bangchan let me inside his room I saw him crying on his bed. His knees up to his chest and his head in his knees. Once I sat in the bed he looked up at me.

"Do you wanna talk about it? "I asked.

He first shook his head, no, then eventually ended up telling me. He said that even though he was so cold towards Y/n, he wished he would have taken it all back.

He said that he helped Y/n with her heat when we were at the hotel and that's when he realised he had feelings for her.

So when he asked us about who is going to help her, he thought that everyone would choose him to help her since he knew her first.

I feel kind of bad of the fact that I also helped her, but I don't think it will be a good idea for me to tell him though. His way too upset about it.

"Why didn't you just tell the other guys that you liked her then? "I asked.

"Because I was scared that you guys might have made fun of me or something. I was cold towards Y/n and it doesn't make any sense if I like her now. "He said still with his head in his knees.

"Hmm... You're right. But how about you tell her how you feel? That way you could figure out if she likes you back. "I stated.

"You really think she would return my feelings? "He asked.

"Its worth a try, right? "I said more like a question.

"I guess. "He said.

He then took in a deep breath and nodded his head. He then got up and we went downstairs. Once we were in the living room we saw everyone was their eating muffins.

Jeongin and Woojin were playing video games while the rest were sitting on the couch watching them. Bangchan stopped in his tracks when he saw Y/n sitting on Hyunjin's lap. He whispered something in her ear which made her laugh.

"I can't do this. "Bangchan said as he was about to leave.

"Are you serious? You just got here. "I said gripping his arm.

"She's in there sitting on Hyunjin's lap. For all I know he may have told her his feelings. "He said terrified.

"You don't know that. "I stated.

Of what I know Hyunjin doesn't like showing his feelings. Well except maybe towards me that is.

"Fine. I'll have one muffin, but if I see them kiss, I'm leaving. "He stated.

Hyunjin POV

Han went to check up on Bangchan, because apparently he was a crying mess. I don't know what about, but it was the first time the the band members and I saw him cry.

As soon as Y/n, Seungmin and Jeongin made muffins I told Y/n to sat on my lap. She didn't question me though, but she did blush when I told her to and she looked adorable.

((Time skip ))

"That's not true. "She said laughing while lightly hitting my chest.

"But your a hybrid. Doesn't it work the same way? "I asked.

"No. Just because I'm a hybrid doesnt mean I can here other bunnies talk. Or other animals for that matter. "She explained.

"Oh well I thought you could. "I said as I ate another grape.

While the rest of the other members were eating muffins I was eating fruit. Its not that I don't like muffins, but I don't trust anyone making them, except for Han.

"So why aren't you eating a muffin? "She asked taking a bite of her own.

"I just don't want to. "I simply said.

"That's not true. "She says rolling her eyes.

"Excuse me? "I said with a raised eyebrow.

"You've been staring at mine the entire time. "She said giggling.

"No I haven't. "I denied.

"You could have a bite if you'd just asked you know. "She says taking another bite.

"Oh really now? "I said sarcastically.

"Yeah. Here take a bite. "She offered.

She then gestured for me to bite on the same place she bit on. Once I took the bite, she then bit on the exact place I did.

Was that an indirect kiss or something? It must have been because she's blushing like crazy. Y/n, my little bunny hybrid. What am I going to do with you?

"You see. That wasn't so bad was it? I bet you it was better than that green balls you were eating. "She said.

I laughed because she doesn't know they're called grapes. She's too precious.

"Sure. But they called grapes. Have you ever eaten one before? "I asked.

"No. "She said.

I then fed her one. She smiled saying it tastes good.

"So have you thought about my offer yet? "I whispered into her hair.

She then looked at me while biting her bottom lip. Then she  looked down.

"I... I don't know... "She says.

"I tell you what. How about I give you just one more day to think about it, okay? "I whispered.

"Hmm... Okay. "She says with a small smile.

"Look at Jeongin. "I whispered while pointing towards him

Jeongin just stood up from the ground and started dancing.

"VICTORY DANCE!! I beat you hyung now you have to give me something!! "He exclaimed.

That's when Y/n and I laughed. And soon everyone else joined us.

Stray Kids × Reader♡ There's a bunny in my bed(❁ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)Where stories live. Discover now