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Jeongin POV

Its been four months since we found out that Y/n was pregnant. We found out that Y/n wasn't having one but two babies. Twins to be exact.

Y/n and I were sitting on the couch while watching TV. I wasn't watching the movie, but looking at her. The way she sat there with her legs folded on the couch as she watched the movie.

She then looked at me and smiled. I didn't smile back but continued to stare at her.

"What's wrong? "She asked.

"Nothing. How are you feeling? "I asked.

"I'm okay. Just a bit hungry. "She admitted with a sigh.

"I could ask Seungmin to make you something to eat. "I offered.

"That's fine. I'll make myself something to eat. "She said trying to stand up.

I tried helping her stand up. That's when Woojin came into the room. He then ran towards Y/n.

"Haven't I told you a million times not to move. Its dangerous for the babies. "He said lifting her up.

I just chuckled while Y/n just pouted. Ever since Woojin found out that Y/n was having twins he wouldn't let her walk on her own.

He then seated her in the chair by the counter while I went to tell Seungmin to make her something to eat because Y/n was hungry.

"Again? This is the third time this morning. "He said with a sigh.

"If you think about it, she isn't just eating for her. She's eating for herself and the twins. "I defended.

We went downstairs and saw Woojin packing out stuff from the refridgerator. There was a whole bunch of vegetables out. She really loves vegetables, especially onions.

"WOOJIN WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY KITCHEN!! "Seungmin yelled as he put most of the ingredients back.

"I was just taking out what Y/n said to. "He said raising his hands in surrender.

"Were you not there when the doctor said to not give in to your cravings Y/n? And you should know better. "Seungmin asked looking at the both of them disappointed.

"I'm sorry. "Y/n said crying. I then sat by her side as she cried into my chest.

"I'm sorry to Y/n. I'm just... I'm worried about you okay. Its almost lunch time anyways. I'm going to make everyone food. "Seungmin said.

After awhile Seungmin was done with the food and Y/n stopped crying. Y/n would get the most food out of everyone because she's eating for three beings.

Changbin was kind of jealous because of it, but he grew ise to it. Sometimes he would even offer his food to her when she was still hungry afterwards.

My hyungs were so sweet to her. After dinner we watched a movie which Han chose. It was a movie of a woman who was pregnant.

"Why are we watching this? "Felix asked.

"Its educational, shh. "Han simply said.

I never asked, but I always wanted to know. Who is the father of the child? Is it me? I hope it's me. I love Y/n and I'm really good with children.

"Hey hyung. Did the doctor tell you who's the father yet? "I asked Bangchan.

"Uh... No, Jeongin. We have to wait till the babies come out so that we can take tests to see who the father is. "Bangchan said.

"So do you think you'd make a good father? "Felix asked Bangchan with a raised eyebrow.

Everyone looked at Bangchan, even Y/n.

"Yes actually I do. "He said proudly.

"As if. "Hyunjin scoffed.

"So what, you think you could do better? "Minho said laughing.

"Well of course I could, because I know I'm the father. "Hyunjin said looking at Y/n with a smile.

"What makes you so sure? "Bangchan asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Because I helped her when she was on heat and I didn't have protection at the time. "Hyunjin admitted.

"WHAT!! "Everyone said except Bangchan, Han and I.

"So you think that its your babies just because you didn't use a condom? "Bangchan asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well yeah. "Hyunjin said.

"But I didn't use a condom. Does that mean I'm also the father? "I asked raising my hand.

All of my hyungs looked at me with shock written on their faces. Y/n gave me a small smile and Seungmin held my hand.

"When were you going to tell us? "Seungmin asked with a worried look on his face.

"When we had a chance to talk about it, I guess. Because whenever I bring it up you guys always ignore me. "I answered honestly.

"Sorry Jeongin. Who else didn't use protection, or is it only Hyunjin and Jeongin? "Changbin asked

"Bangchan!! "Y/n squealed while pointing towards him.

"Bangchan our fearless leader who is always warning us to use protection whenever it comes to having sex actually did the opposite of what he told us to? What?~.. "Minho and Woojin said at the same time.

Everyone was shocked when they heard about this.

"Very disappointing. "Changbin and Seungmin said shaking their heads.

"The only reason why I did it was because I love Y/n okay. "Bangchan said almost yelling.

"Do you not think that for one second that I not love her as well? "Hyunjin stated.

"Does it matter what you think? "Bangchan said with a raised eyebrow.

"Bangchan!! "Y/n said as a warning for him to stop.

"Yeah, because I was her first. "Hyunjin shot back.

"Hyunjin stop it!! "

"Well you didn't pull out!! "Bangchan yelled standing up.

"Well you did the same so I guess we were both wrong!! "Hyunjin yelled standing up as well.

"STOP IT YOU GUYS!! STOP ARGUING!! "Y/n yelled again, but they didn't stop.

"Okay... You know what I think..? "Hyunjin asked squinting his eyes.

"What? "Bangchan asked with a  raised eyebrow while folding his arms.

"Let's let Y/n decide. "Hyunjin said.

That's when everyone looked at Y/n. Y/n had tears in her eyes as everyone looked at her. She then ran to Changbin and Han.

"Could you please take me to bed, I'm tired. "She said almost in a whisper, when infact everyone could hear her.

"Sure Y/n. "They said at the same time.

Once Y/n left, everyone else were just shaking their heads in disappointment. I for one just sat there listening to everything they said.

"Nice going. "Woojin said shaking his head as he left himself.

"You guys couldn't have argured at some other time. You just had to do it here and now? "Minho said leaving with a folded magazine in his hand.

Felix just left.

"You guys could have waited till the twins were born to ask her who she likes more instead of forcing it. She shouldn't even be crying right now. But because of the two of you being impatient pabos, you've ruined everything. Have you guys ever thought of anyone else's feelings besides yourselves? "Seungmin said more like a statement than a question.

The two just looked at each other with worry in their eyes. I don't even think they saw me in the room till after Seungmin left. I stood up and looked at them. I gave them a sad smile before leaving myself.

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