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I'm not going to lie, I am a pretty isolated individual. What I'm trying to do in this world has made me cut off a lot of people and a lot of other things that most people mindlessly enjoy. I seem cold because I don't enjoy a lot of things because I know the real meaning of them. I seem unapproachable because I don't believe in talking just to talk, words have meaning and we should use the power of the words for good. I need a purpose for everything I do otherwise I won't do it.

There's a lot that goes into becoming someone people rely on, being someone people trust. Because there's not a lot of people out there willing to risk it all for the people around them. Each day less and less people believe that there's good in the world and that we can do good in the world. That puts more pressure on me to be everything someone needs me to be. We like to think our freedoms are free, but they're not. They cost us knowledge, innocence, time and anything else that we will never get back.

That's why not a lot of people enjoy being around me, because more times than not I'm off in my own world trying to figure out how to change the real world. How I can bring hope to people who had lost all hope long ago. I'm not a mean person in any way possible, in fact all I want to do is help people. But I'm also not a liar. A lot has to happen in order for me to be able to make a difference and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to help them even if it goes against convention or what's most convenient.

And it seems like one of the few people who understand that is Patrick. And he only knows because form the beginning he was willing to ask questions. He was willing to have uncomfortable conversations for the sake of learning things we might not want to hear. But it's because of men like him I know that there's still hope out there for everyone else.

I suddenly hear a loud knock on my door kicking out of my deep train of thoughts and I look at it weird. It's midnight and I already had on my silk shorts and tank top. My hair a messy bun on top of my head and my chamomile tea in hand ready to turn in for the night. I set it beside me before jumping off the couch and to the door. I look through the peep hole to see Patrick standing there with flowers waiting for me to open the door making me smile big. I quickly swing it open and jump into his arms. I didn't think he got into town until tomorrow but this was a pleasant surprise.

"Patrick" I squeal as I jump into his arms. He easily catches me and doesn't even drop the flowers. I nuzzle my face into the crook of his neck as I hold him tight.

"Hey Little Moon, how are you" he questions as he squeezes me back.

"I'm good! What are you going here? I thought you got in tomorrow" I admit.

"We left after the game earlier and I haven't even been home yet. I grabbed flowers and came straight here" he claims

"They're really beautiful" I admit as I take them from him.

"Just like you" he replies making me blush. Only him.

I welcome him in and find a vase for the flowers. I fill it with water and put them on my dining room table so I can admire them. Patrick appears right beside me causing me to almost run into him. He doesn't say a word as he grabs my face and pulls me into a long kiss. I relax in his hands as I pull him closer so our bodies were pressed against each other. I missed the feeling of his lips on mine more than I was willing to admit. And I missed the feeling of my heart beating against my chest every time he touched me.

We eventually break apart not really wanting to but kind of needing to. "Why do you drive me crazy" he whispers as I start to smirk.

"Because you drive me insane" I assure him making him chuckle.

"So what did you want to talk about? It sounded important" he claims.

My face falls because I had almost forgotten about that. Things seemed to be going so well and I didn't want that to change. But I also didn't want to get so far in I couldn't get out. "Hello" he questions when I take too long to answer.

"Right, um..." I stutter trying to find my words.

"This isn't about you wanting to break things off, is it" he asks sadly.

But I just shake my head as I move in closer. "No no, not at all. I was just trying to figure out what we are" I say slowly. His sad expression turns into a confused one as he looks down at me.

"What do you mean" he questions.

"I'm saying when I call my dads and they ask what's up with me what do I tell them about you" I try.

"Like labels" he wonders.

"I hate that word... but yes. What are we as reguards to labels" I assure him.

"I don't really like labels either. I already have so many of them from being a hockey player and the things I've said and done. But being a boyfriend would mean a lot to me, because I would be your boyfriend. And I know that has a lot of meaning behind it because I support you and everything you're trying to do, just as you support me. So I wouldn't mind this label" he says.

"You mean it" I ask.

"Of course. Kayleigh you mean a lot to me. I know we've only known each other for a few months, but I want to be with you. I want to be able to learn from you every day, I want to be a part of your history and I want you to be a part of mine. These have been some of the best times of my life and you've been right there with me. Through the good and the bad games, through the off ice things and giving me a reason to want to be a better person. This year has been great because of you" he says softly. He kindly presses his lips to my forehead and I smile. "So what do you say" he questions.

"Yes" I nod. "I would love to be your girlfriend."

The Pursuit of Happiness (Patrick Kane)Where stories live. Discover now