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It has come to be a very close series with the Red Wings, it went down to a game seven at the United Center where the winner moved on to play in the Confrence finals.

And while there were moments I wasn't sure we would make it, we had guys who made this team what it is put us on their backs and ride. Thanks to a over time goal by Seabrook the city of Chicago was jumping. We were that much closer to winning this thing and we had eight wins left before we do so.

I wanted so bad to get out there right now and play but we had a schedule to fit into. The Kings were in town for the WCF and they still had the smell of blood in the water. They won it all last year and was looking to go back to back. We wanted to recreate the atmosphere of 2010 and once again show the world what we were made of.

But before we did that the Hawks opened up the ice for a family skate. We don't get to do it often but with the lockout there was no holiday skate or parties here that we usually do. So they set up something nice for us all to come hang out. Of course I would rather it just be Kayleigh and I, but this wasn't too bad, she liked being in the United Center and with the guys. She can hold her own and they knew it, they gave her a hard time but she gave it right back.

So we get dressed and head on over to the UC. It was almost June now and it was getting pretty warm. This is about when the season would usually end but with the lockout it pushed the season back some. It was weird to be playing on ice when it was so hot outside but I loved it.

We arrive at the United Center at 3:00 pm exactly. I always give Kayleigh a hard time because she was always right on time. From the first day we met up at the bowling alley she has always arrived right on the dot and I appreciate that, it takes a lot of planning to be that on time.

I help Kayleigh lace up her skates and we waddle our to the ice. I hop down and turn back to where Kayleigh was standing. I put my hand out as she sets her little one in mine. I grab her tight and slowly bring her out with me.

"Holy hell" she squeals as she slips onto the ice. Her skates dig in a few times before she finds her balance. Once she was stable enough she pushes off of me and stands on her own. But I keep her hand in mine just in case she gets a little too cocky.

"There you go" I cheer as she starts to move her feet. Little by little she skates until she was matching my strides.

In stead of skating in front of her I move to the side as we hold hands. I could feel how cold her fingers were so I squeeze them to give her a little warmth. Eventually she looked like a pro out there.

"Of course you're a natural, what can't you do" I ask only half joking.

"So many things. But that's only because I haven't tried. Before today I couldn't skate and now look at me, skating" she giggles.

"What's it's like to believe that there is a reason and a way for everything" I question.

She just shrugs before looking up at me. "My dad told me that its never that I can't, it's that I haven't tried. And to a kid growing up trying to figure out what the point of life was and my place in it, that's exactly what I needed to hear. There was no path for me, my path was whatever I made it out to be. History should guide me but it can't define me, you know" she asks.

"I never know until you teach me" I assure her.

"Well I'm glad I'm being the girlfriend who makes sure you're doing what you're supposed to" she teases.

"The only one" I assure her.

Eventually my family makes their way out here and we all skate together. If you didn't know Kayleigh had never skated before today you wouldn't have been able to tell. Her and my sisters go around a few times messing around taking pictures. I hang back and smile as I watch them enjoy their own history.

"I thought you said she's never skated before" Jonny says as he and his girlfriend skates over.

"She hasn't. I just don't think this girl has a off switch" I shake my head.

"I'd say" Lindsey agrees. "I've never met anyone more outgoing than me. But I like her a lot. She's one of those people where you just enjoy being around them" she claims.

"Which still makes me confused in how she ended up with you" Jonny chirps.

Lindsey playfully hits his chest as he laughs at himself. Lord knows no one else laughs at his awful jokes.

"I know I'm a lucky guy, you don't have to tell me. I think about it all the time, hell, sometimes I have a hard time not thinking about it. How she's even real let alone hanging around with the likes of me. She's in a league of her own, just a incredible human being with a backbone to back herself up. I'm lucky I get to learn from her every day, I'm lucky enough to hear these ideas of how she's going to change the world and know she's going to do it. You don't have to remind me how blessed I am when it comes to her" I assure him.

"Damn, do you talk about me like that" Lindsey asks Jon as he blushes.

"He does" I promise her. "Sometimes he doesn't stop talking about you" I smirk.

I see Jon send me a glare but I just smile satisfied that I got even with him. About that time I see Kayleigh barreling towards me with big eyes. "Catch me" she begs.

I reach my arms out and easily catch her. We get sent sliding across the ice before we come to a stop. "Woah there babe, don't hurt yourself" I insist.

"Well my trusty teacher didn't teach me how to stop" she laughs.

"I'll teach you" I promise.

"Good. Because I flew into the boards earlier and let me tell you, that wasn't fun" she insists.

"You guys let her fly into the boards" I groan at my sisters. They had one job and it was make sure I didn't kill the cities newest social worker.

"It all happened kind of fast" Jess claims.

"We actually came over here to grab Lindsey" Kayleigh insists.

"I'll come! And I can teach you to stop" Lindsey promises.

"Good, my knee can't take another stop like that" Kayleigh giggles.

The Pursuit of Happiness (Patrick Kane)Where stories live. Discover now