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Being a social worker reaches so many different people within a city. It's not just working with the homeless or one person. In governmental social work it's a lot of being in the community and seeing first hand what needs to be done and the lengths we need to go to help people. It's creating policies and standards for the betterment of the city. Working with health care and other professionals and learning how to help them make the world a better place.

And a big part of this community is the sports. No one reaches the audiences that the sports teams do. So I paid the Cubs a visit to see how their fundraising is going and if there is anything that they needed my help with when it comes to giving back. So Patrick joins me as we get to a baseball game. They were more than happy to entertain us and see what they can do.

We get to the game early and they take us around. We meet some of the players and we just talk. The Cubs weren't the premier organization in the city, they were in the middle of a rebuild and not a lot of the guys here stay around for long. But they still pull crowds, people still come to see them. And that gives me the opportunity to make a change.

"We've been trying a few things this season. One of the big things the new ownership wanted to do is to focus on helping out schools. We know the struggle of getting proper funding and equal education in this city, it's almost like day and night. So we have been trying to treat the teachers to do something nice and raise money for sports programs in the schools" a man explains as we get to the boxes.

"That's a great idea. Is there anything you guys need for this to go along quicker" I wonder.

"Well with school being out right now it's kind of hard to know what we need. We want to raise money for those in need who can't afford backpacks and binders and paper. Things like that. But we aren't really sure how to help the teachers" he admits.

"I can go to the teachers union and talk to them. Now is the perfect time to see what they need. School starts at the end of the month and they should be figuring out what they need as we speak" I admit.

"That would be wonderful. Then the teachers can be a little more funded and ready to teach the kids and the kids will have what they need" he smiles.

"I will reach out to them and get back to you once I figure out where to go from here. Thank you for showing us around" I say as I shake the mans hand.

"The pleasure was all mine" he nods.

Once I get done working Patrick and I get to enjoy the game. We decide to hang out in the boxes because Patrick was a hot commodity right now and couldn't exactly blend in out there. So he stays comfortable in the boxes as we order some Chicago dogs and enjoy the game.

"Do you like baseball" Patrick questions as I just shake my head.

"Sports was never my thing, really. My dad is a big fan and so is Mason, but Randy and Monica don't really care for it. We spent a lot of our nights watch movies and not games. Besides college sports there's not much to root for. I mean, the Redskins and Capitals practice in Virginia but other than that, we don't really claim any teams. Which sucks because I wish I was into hockey earlier. I love the athleticism of the sport and I feel like I would have liked it growing up" I insist.

"More than baseball" he questions.

"I like to think so. Hockey is beautiful, it's a craft unlike most other. And my favorite part is the teamwork, how you guys have to play together. In baseball you're responsible for hitting, in basketball you are responsible for shooting. But in hockey you can't do it all yourself. You need the assists in order to make a difference. You have to be able to rely on others and know where they are at all times.

Kinda like life. You want to be on a good line where you can feed each other and feed off of each other. Unlike the other sports it's a total team effort on offense and defense. And the same goes for life" I explain.

"Well you sold me, and I already play" he teases.

"I have to admit, I do miss watching you play. I really enjoyed the experience of being there with all the fans and other significant others. I can't wait for it to start up again" I sigh.

"It'll be soon, next month. Then we get to try and win it all all over again" he promises.

"I can't wait" I smile.

We enjoy the game and the Cubs end up winning. Once the game was over we say goodbye to everyone before trying to leave. Patrick gets stopped a few times and I stand to the side to let the fans have all of Patrick's attention. I watch proudly as he talks to each person and interacts with them. To him it's small but to those people it means the world.

Once he met with the masses we were free we hop in his car and head back to the apartment. We get in and I pull up my laptop. I start to type in my notes for the day and what to do when I get into the office tomorrow. Even though I'm not in the clock I technically never get off the clock with this job. But I don't mind, this is exactly what I wanted to do. To be a part of this community and what brings us together instead of tearing us apart.

After a hour of working I feel a pair of hands on my shoulders and I look up. Patrick leans over and presses a kiss to my forehead making my heart beat faster.

"Hey babe, what's up" I question.

"When are you coming to bed" he wonders.

"A few more minutes. I just have to finish writing down these questions for the teachers union then I'll be there" I promise.

"Okay sweetie. Is there anything I can do for you" he wonders.

"Can you possibly make some tea" I say trying to give my best puppy dog eyes.

"Of course" he promises.

He gives me a real kiss before making me some tea. I finish up and meet him in my bedroom. The tea helps me unwind as I brush my teeth and change after a long day. I crawl into bed and right into Patrick's arms.

"I love you moon" he whispers.

"I love you most."

The Pursuit of Happiness (Patrick Kane)Where stories live. Discover now