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And the pursuit of happiness.

It was these ideal that our founding fathers built this great country. It is those ideals that is supposed to keep our country great.

But what makes a country great? What makes anything great, really? Is it life or liberty? Is it the pursuit of happiness?

To me greatness is a unobtainable construct used to make people work harder. And that's not such a bad thing, not at all. It's what motivates us, what drives us to be better than we were yesterday. To simply obtain this idea that is greatness.

I always thought that I would be great. Never in the way that makes someone famous, but in a way that I mean something to people. When they hear my name they smile and say good things about me, not push me to the side and become forgotten.

I found my greatness in a path, not a destination. And my path took me to Chicago where I knew I belonged. Where I knew I could find my own pursuit of happiness.

And in my pursuit I found a man. And I never had a man in my plans, but Patrick was never anything I expected. At first he was a man I felt like I had nothing in common with. How could someone like him even know anything that someone like me knows? But then we became friends and I realized that our differences is the exact things that bring us together. He has a little bit of what I need and I have a little bit of what he needs. Overtime the relationship grew, we pursued our own idea of happiness and found a everlasting love.

The 2014 year was rough, Patrick's grandpa passed away and the Olympics didn't go our way. The Hawks lost in the semi finals losing out on their chance to repeat as champions and those are just the big things. But through it all Patrick and I stuck together and we came out stronger in the end. Now it's the summer and that means it's time for our wedding. A day that I never would have dreamt up in a million years. It was just eight months ago Patrick proposed and now look at us.

We had decided to have the wedding rooftop in the city. The weather was beautiful for a august afternoon but no one was complaining. Everyone was in the city ready to get drunk and have some fun.

"Oh Leah" my dad says as he knocks on the door. "Are you decent" he asks.

"I hope I'm a little more than decent" I tease as he laughs.

He lets himself in and looks me over. He smiles so big as his eyes search me. I see tears in his eyes as he covers his mouth with his hands. "Oh god, you're so beautiful" he squeaks.

"Thanks daddy. But you picked out the dress so I think it's a little conceited to say that" I tease.

"I just have such great taste" he sniffles as I roll my eyes. So modest.

He walks over and pulls me into a hug. I squeeze him tight as he rubs my back. I swear my dad has the best hugs. "How is Patrick doing" I wonder.

"He's... well he's a little stressed. I left Andy in there to calm him down but his sisters certainly aren't giving him a break" he chuckles.

"As they shouldn't" I giggle.

"You're getting a pretty amazing family out of this" he says.

"I am. But you will always be my first love" I assure him.

"Always" he promises.

Eventually the time comes and I start to get nervous. And not about the marriage but to not mess this up. I have to climb stairs and I can trip on the train or my dress or my vail get stuck in my hair when Patrick tries to flip it over. I wanted so bad for everything to go as planned even though I know better than anyone that isn't going to ever happen.

I stand behind the doors of the patio as I let out a sigh. Both of my dads on my arms as they try and calm me down. Part of me wanted to be married already living it up at the reception. Part of me wanted this moment to last forever. But all of me knew that this was about to change my life, for the better.

The music starts and the doors open up. I let out a long sigh as my grip on the flower for tighter. I walk out looking for those ocean eyes I've become so accustomed to.

As soon as I see Patrick he immediately starts to cry. And that would have been fine but that made me want to cry too. But my dad reminds me how long I spent on the makeup and I needed at least a few more pictures before I mess it all up.

We get to the end of the isle and my dad and Andy give me a kiss on the cheek. They go to their seats in the front row and I stand by Marissa and my sister and Patrick's sisters who made up the bridal party. Patrick softly grabs my hands and pulls me closer.

"I've never seen a sight so beautiful" he whispers and I start to blush. I wipe a tear off his cheek as I smile as big as ever.

"I've never felt so beautiful than being here with you now" I assure him. I wanted to bad time press my lips to his, but not yet.

We get through the boring stuff and Patrick lifts my vail with no problem. He softly grabs my face and presses his lips to mine. I try to stop the smile from coming but you couldn't help it. I feel him smile against my lips too which made it all the better.

"I love you so much" he whispers just for me to hear.

"I love you too, to the moon and back" I reply.

After taking a million pictures and assuring everyone we will work on a family as soon as possible we go inside for the reception. We had a live dj and lights and a dance floor. It was quite the event of the summer and I was rest to break in the party dress. Patrick and I walk around and thank people for coming and all the gifts. We get to the table my dads were at and I sit down.

"Can I have a dance" Andy asks and I smile.

"Of course" I assure him.

We head to the dance floor and he looks over my shoulder before turning to me. "You know how gay marriage is legal in Virgina now" he asks me.

"Of course" I insist.

"I want to ask your dad to marry me. But I wanted to ask you first. You know all about having the balls to ask someone else so I wanted to know what you thought" he claims.

"That would be the best thing ever. You sat around for years watching your friends get married not being able to get your happily ever after yourself. Now you can. It's your own pursuit of happiness" I insist.

"I think I want to do it in the city too. He loves this place" he admits.

"Well let me know how I can help and I'll be there" I promise.

After a while Patrick butts in and we dance together. I rest my head on his shoulder as he holds me tight.

"I'm so happy I ran into you" he claims and I laugh.

"That makes two of us" I assure him.

The Pursuit of Happiness (Patrick Kane)Where stories live. Discover now