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As the month goes on the boys get ready for something called the circus trip. For two weeks they were going to be out on the road going around Canada and the west coast bonding and having a good time away from all the things that make them comfortable here in the city. Luckily my job doesn't let me miss Patrick too much since I can throw myself into my work and forget about how much I missed him with every fiber of my being. But I definitely wasn't excited to be stuck in the apartment for two weeks with only my dog and my job to keep me company. I didn't need Patrick around to be happy, but it's a good feeling knowing he's here. That does make me happy. So trying to get all my loving in before he leaves is my top priority.

"Can't you just come with me" Patrick asks as I brush my teeth. We were getting ready to crawl into bed and watch a movie for the rest of the night after a long day.

"Unfortunately no. Not the whole time at least. I have a plan I need to get together to get thanksgiving meals to the homeless and low income people of this city. I'm gonna try to make it out for your birthday but if these people keep trying to get out of helping this community I'm going to lose my mind" I mumble as I spit my toothpaste into the sink.

"Anything I can do to help" he asks as he steps into the bathroom. He wrap his arms around my stomach as I smile at him through the mirror.

"Can I duplicate you so you can stay here with me and listen to me rant? Because I love Marissa with all my heart but she just makes me more fired up and it really doesn't help" I giggle.

"I wish I could baby. I think it's really sexy when you get all worked up" he claims.

"Really" I ask.

"Yeah. You're passionate about what you do. It reminds me of how I used to feel the same way about my job" he claims.

"Used to" I frown.

"Don't get me wrong, I still love what I do. Hockey is the biggest part of me and it will always be. Everything I amount to, everything I will ever be is because of hockey. Because of it I have gotten to do a lot of really cool things and go to amazing places. Meet some of the coolest people in the world.

But I don't have that same fire you have. I used too, not too long ago really. In a way my love for this sport will always be here. But the passion seems to get lost in it all" he explains.

"I don't believe that's true" I insist.

"And why is that" he wonders.

"Because I go to your games. I sit in the crowd and I look around and I see little boys and girls wearing your jersey. I see the older couples who lived their whole lives waiting for someone like you to come play for their favorite team. Maybe you can't see it all the time, but I can. Just how much you mean to this team, this organization, to this city. When people think about hockey or Chicago it's you that comes to mind, and it didn't just happen this way over night. You worked out ass off here for five long years claiming what's yours. And you don't get to this point if you lost your passion.

And I know that sometimes you forget why you play. Sometimes things get so hard it's not easy to see the good. Especially coming off a season like last year where you were just untouchable. But I can still see the fire in your eyes when you play. Every opportunity you have out on that ice you take it because that's who you are.

Passion takes many forms. I know you're passionate about your family, you show me every day your passion for me. And I can see that there's still that fire in your eyes when your playing. I see that the way you play is different from everyone else in the best possible way. You can't compare my compassion about of what I do to the passion you have for what you do. Maybe it's not all what it used to be, but the flame hasn't died yet. I still feel the heat" I say as I pull him in closer.

He softly kisses my neck and now I'm not so sure we were making it through this movie. "I just want that drive like you have. You came out to this city knowing that you can change the world we live in. Since you were a little girl you knew that you would help people. Your fire is like a eternal flame. I'll be done with hockey one day but you will always help people. I want that" he claims.

"Nothing is stopping you. Your body will get old and you mind will change. But your heart..." I trail off as I turn around in his arms. I grab his face and pull him down so I could look into his eyes. "Your heart is pure. That's one of the biggest reasons I fell in love with you. And so you follow your heart, wherever it might take you. Maybe you'll coach, maybe you'll be a manager. Maybe one day we will have kids and your job will be passing your passion down to them.

You can do whatever you want. It's your pursuit of happiness" I say.

He suddenly grabs my hips and lifts me up on the counter before pressing his lips to mine. My eyes slam shut as I let my fingers get lost in his curls. My back starts to arch as he separates my knees so he can stand between them.

"Just couldn't wait for me to come to bed huh" I tease as he starts to chuckle.

"When it comes to you I really can't wait" he huffs.

"And what happens when you're gone for two weeks? This is the longest we've ever been away from each other" I say.

He stops for a moment before a soft sigh passes his lips. He looks up at me as I softly cup his cheek.

"I don't know" he shakes his head. "I didn't want to have to think about it, I wanted to enjoy every second of you being here and not think about when you're not. I'm not sure what's going to happen."

"I have trust in our love, in our passion for one another. It's going to suck so much but I believe we will be more than okay" I assure him.

"In that case" he smirks as he lifts me up. I wrap my leg as around him as he carries me to bed. He lays me down on my back softly as I wrap my arms around his neck.

"Now where we're we" I smile.

The Pursuit of Happiness (Patrick Kane)Where stories live. Discover now