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Patrick and I had been so busy we haven't had any alone time to do something nice. It was him and I and his team, or him and I and his family, him and I and Marissa. Or maybe we just lock ourselves in for the night never getting to experience this amazing city together. It was never just him and I. So we decided that no matter what we were going to push everything to the side and spend the whole day together. Do cute couple things instead of staying in all the time. Celebrate all the cool things that's happened to us recently and celebrate this love we have. So we dress up real nice and spend the morning getting ready. We decided to go to the pier before grabbing a bite to eat there. We order our favorite food and just enjoy some peace and quiet for once.

I hear my phone ring from my purse and I quickly put it on silent. The plan was to not be distracted from each other and honestly that was my plan. I see it was Marissa calling me and I figured I can call her back after the date. I really wanted to spend some rare free time out with Patrick and I know he felt the same way. But before I can even put my phone back in my purse I see her calling me again and let out a sigh.

"I'm so sorry" I apologize to Patrick. "Let me answer whatever question it is Marissa has and she'll leave us alone for the rest of the day" I promise.

"Sure she will" Patrick laughs as he shakes his head. He knows how this goes.

I answer it as I stand up from the table to find somewhere quiet to talk to her but I stop before I can find some privacy. I hear Marissa sobbing hysterically on the other line and my whole body falls heavy. "Rissa what is wrong" I beg as my face falls.

"It's my brother" she cries. "They shot him! They got Sammy! He was walking home from school and they shot him. He's gone" she screams.

I cover my mouth with my hand as I feel my eyes get watery. My hands start to shake as her words sink in. "Marissa I am so sorry. Where are you" I ask.

"I'm at the hospital down town. I didn't know who else to call. My parents are on their way but they're out of town with my sister. I'm alone" she whimpers.

"I'm going to be right over" I assure her.

"Please hurry" she sniffles.

I hang up as I turn to Patrick with a sad face. "I am so sorry. I know you spent a lot of time planning this date and we had been looking forward to this for forever, but I have to go" I insist.

"Is everything okay" he questions as he stands up too.

"No, not at all. Marissas brother was shot and he didn't make it" I explain.

His face stays the same as he just looks at me weird. He was always hard to read, but the read I had on him right now gave me a uneasy feeling. "Doesn't this kind of stuff happen all the time" he asks.

I stop dead in my tracks as I try not to smack this man upside his head. "What do you mean" I question giving him a chance to redeem himself.

"I mean he's a black kid in Chicago. With them growing up here they had to know there was a chance this could happen. This kind of stuff happens all the time. Are you really that surpised" he questions.

I start to see red as my eyebrows quickly furrow. "You're incredibly insensitive. Just a real piece of work, you know that" I ask.

"I'm not the one leaving a date I know is important to take care of some else's business, like always" he accuses.

I suddenly turn on my heel and walk right out the door as I try and find my ride to the hospital. I ignore Patrick's call for me as I try to find my car. He finally catches up to me and stands in front of me so I can't ignore him.

"What? What did I say" Patrick yells.

"Are you kidding me right now" I scream. "My best friend just lost her brother, he was one of my good friends I've had since I've been in Chicago. And you are implying that he's just another black kid who fell victim to the Chicago streets. I don't know if you knew this... but being black isn't a death sentence, it isn't a crime. He was walking home from the summer school he volunteered at, trying to help the city just like me. The only difference is that I don't get shot at simply because of what I look like. He has never been a gang or even thought about it. He's not just some black kid from the city who was at the wrong place at the wrong time, he was a good kid who loved his family and loved his town.

And he looked up to you, he was one of your biggest fans. The fact you think so little of these kids who worship you makes me sick" I scoff.

"You say it all the time, feelings can't get in the way of facts. So why I am I the bad guy in this situation for pointing out the obvious" he defends.

"I just found out one of my friends, my best friends brother, was just murdered on the street and you act like everything is okay. That I can go back in there and act like I didn't just lose someone close to me. Marissa is by herself in a hospital mourning the loss of her only brother and you're trying to shame me for wanting to be with her" I accuse.

"Because it's our date night. You do so much for that girl and everyone else and we can never just be alone. Part of being in a relationship is sacrifice but that has to go two ways" he argues.

"Sacrifice" I ask. "I sacrificed so much to be here with you Patrick. I sacrificed my time, my heart, my privacy, my mind all just to be your girlfriend. Don't tell me about sacrifice because you live your dream
out every day where others work their ass off to have a fraction of what we have" I argue.

"I can talk about sacrifice because I am willing to do anything for you, but I feel like you don't feel the same" he defends.

"I don't want to be with you right now" I insist and he stops. His face falls once he realizes I mean every word I just said. "I love you Patrick, more than anything I love you. If you can't see what I do for you and because of you then we need a break. I am not leaving my friend in her darkest hour because that's what you want me to do. Whether her brother was white or black or any other skin tone... he didn't deserve to die" I argue.

"You don't even know if she's telling the truth" he reminds me.

"Does it matter" I ask. "Dead is dead, and I trust her enough to tell me the truth, especially in a situation like this. Honestly your lack of empathy right now makes me sick. You have it so good and you can't even spare your feelings for others let alone your time. I thought you were different" I sniffle.

I turn to leave as he grabs my wrist. "Wait" he begs.

"For what? What the hell am I waiting for? For you to come to your senses, for you to stop acting like black people dying on the streets is okay because it happens all the time" I ask.

"You can't fix everything. Gun violence especially" he says.

"I know I can't. I know I can't stop these people but that shouldn't stop me from trying. At least I know I made a effort to be better. What do you do Patrick? You tell yourself it's okay because there's nothing you can do and it happens all the time? Does that make you feel better" I snap.

"No" he says softly.

"Good. At least I know your guilt for yourself is enough to open your eyes. God knows your empathy isn't enough to do it" I say as I turn around.

"Seriously Kay don't leave, let me come with you" he begs.

"I don't want to be around you right now" I remind him.

"I can't let you leave like this" he cries.

"We need a break. I need time to be with Marissa and she needs my full attention and you need to look and the mirror and open your eyes. Realize how your way of thinking is so incredibly wrong" I accuse.

"I don't want you to be mad at me" he insists.

"Maybe you should have thought it through before telling me that being on a date with you is more important than being with my best friend who just lost her brother... that's low. Lower than I thought you would ever stoop. And I just need some time" I admit.

With that I find my car and jump in. I rush over to the hospital and find Marissa with her parents and older sister. I join them in their grieving, I give them comfort and try my best to be strong for them. But it's hard when you knew that kid was going to be something special and now he can't be.

The Pursuit of Happiness (Patrick Kane)Where stories live. Discover now