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A new chapter of my life was under way and I never thought I would be so excited to live in yet another apartment. But this one feels different. I haven't felt at home since I was a little boy and I finally felt like I was home. We got to raise the banner from last season and I get to come home to my beautiful girlfriend waiting for me. It's a great feeling to have.

And I wanted to make one more change. Or at least propose one more change. But before I can do that I needed some help first. So I have Kayleigh's dad and his boyfriend come into town for a few days. They weren't going to turn down a free trip to the city and to see Kayleigh doing her thing. She wanted to show them her office and the new apartment and of course Annie. And I had a very important question for her dads.

"Oh I can show you my office! It turned out so cute" she cheers as she grabs Andy's arm. He gave her a lot of ideas of what to do so I'm sure he was excited to see it. She pulls him down the hallway giving me my opportunity to talk to her dad.

"Hey Mark, can I ask you something" I wonder as I pull him into the kitchen. He follows behind me as I grab him a drink.

"Of course son, what is it" he wonders.

"I want to know what you thought about me proposing to Kayleigh before the new year" I say slowly.

His face stays nuetral for a few seconds before a smile breaks through.

"You really want to tie yourself to my daughter" he asks and I laughs.

"I know, it's kind of crazy. How two people who seem so different on the outside who can want to spend forever together. But I really do. It hasn't even been a year and my whole life I have right now, has been built with her. This place, hockey, my family, my future. She's a part of it all and it would mean a lot of we could do this for the rest of our lives. With your blessing of course" I insist.

"Oh I'm the easy one. I've been begging for grand kids for the longest time and I'm gonna be honest, my money wasn't on her. But I know you make her happy and I know whatever she wants in life she wants it with you. Andy is the one that will be a little bit tougher but I have a feeling I know his answer. He's been trying to plan our wedding for years as we wait for all marriages to be permitted in Virginia. He will love to help you guys plan your wedding in the mean time" he insists.

"I honestly haven't even thought about the wedding. I haven't even talked to her about it. I just know that these past nine months of my life have been the best times and I have no doubt it has everything to do with her. And it's not like it's been easy, she's opened my eyes to a lot of things I never really looked like and it scared the hell out of me. But now my eyes open wider and I am better becasue of it. I finally feel like I'm someone I can be proud of, thanks to her" I admit.

"She's one of a kind. And a lot of guys can't handle her. Hell, even as her dad there's been moments where I know she's about to hit me with facts and opinions I cannot handle, but she still tells me when I need it not when I want to hear it.

Even as a little girl she was so wise. I remember this one night in the hotel we stayed at for a little after I left her mom, I was sitting in bed with my face in my hands. I was crying because I felt like I failed her. I took her from her mom and her brother because I couldn't handle acting like someone I wasn't anymore. That wasn't her battle, but she fought right beside me. She sat on the hotel bed next to me and told me that she was proud of me, she was happy that I was going to be who I wanted to be and that I was doing the right thing even though it was hard. A middle schooler telling her dad that everything is going to be okay. In a way she's always had that leadership type of mentality. She always knew what was right and never let anyone tell her any different" he laughs.

"Good to know she's never shied away from who she is" I insist.

"Not a day in her life" he assures me.

Eventually Kayleigh and Andy come back and they go on and on about her office set up. I love it because there was a bunch of picture of us and Annie and it reminds me of how good we have it. She wasn't done with it but it looked pretty good if you ask me.

"Hey sweetie, I need some fresh air. Wanna take Annie for a walk" Mark asks Kayleigh.

"I would love to" she smiles.

He sends me a wink before grabbing his daughter and the dog and taking a walk.

"What's that about" Andy asks me.

"I had a talk with Mark but he said your the guy I would need to talk to" I start.

"This is about marrying Kayleigh... isn't it" he asks.

I freeze in my spot as I try to find my words. But he literally took them out of my mouth. "I-" I stutter as he laughs. "How did you know" I ask.

"A father knows his daughter" he claims. "That and from the way Kayleigh was talking about your guys' relationship. The way she was talking, the plans you guys had for your future. This conversation was inevitable" he claims.

"Mark said you would be a bit harder to convince than he was" I accuse.

"That's not a hundred percent true" he insists. "I know there isn't anyone in this world that would make her smile more than you do. You gave her hope for a future she didn't want to believe in. You showed her how to love and you never stopped loving her.

I just want to know, deep down, that this isn't as good as it gets. That this isn't the peak and she won't be held back" he claims.

"There's no holding her back. I mean, I've never seen anyone with such drive and determination and I've watched Hossa and Toews puck battle for three minutes straight one time. I only want what's best for her, and sometimes that's not me. And I get that. I will never get in the way of her endeavors, I'll support her in any way possible and always remember that she doesn't need me.

This isn't the best that it gets. This isn't the peak of our mountain. I know I can offer her more, I can be more to her than her boyfriend. And I know she'll make an amazing wife, the best one out there" I say.

"I just need you to promise me" he insists.

"Anything" I assure him.

"Remind her every once in the while that it's okay to be human. It's okay to be in love and to want more than what she knows" he claims and I smile.

"I try my best" I promise.

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