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The month of July brings us a lot of things. There's the Fourth of July, plenty of fun things to do in Chicago like the pier and the zoos and museums. Luckily for me, my birthday is in July allowing me to do a lot of things. I usually don't for I liked volunteering and doing work so much that I always worked right through my birthday.

But Patrick insisted that I took the day off and after a lot of convincing I took a day off to go on a excursion with him. We were about to leave for Virginia and I took a week off for that, but Patrick insisted this was different and that he wanted to do something nice for my birthday. So I spend the morning with my friends as Marissa gave me one of Sams blackhawks jerseys for my birthday. I insisted she kept it but she said he would have wanted me to have it. So I reluctantly take the jersey and even though it was a Toews one, Patrick lets this one go because it was Sams.

Once I pull myself together we hop in Patrick's car and we drive for a while. To where I wasn't sure, Patrick claims it was a surprise. But it was honestly just nice to just be out on the road and not in a huge city.

"I forgot how relaxing it was to be out on the open road" I admit as I look out the window. It wasn't long before we hit the corn Illinois has an abundance of.

"When was the last time you left the city that wasn't when you went to Boston or back home" he wonders.

"Honestly" I laugh, "it's been years since I've been in the Midwest and have gone somewhere other than Chicago. When I first moved here Marissa and our friend Taylor and I would just hop in the car and go. And not go anywhere specific, just go places. See and learn new things. Chicago is honestly like a whole different state compared to the rest of the cities and towns. I forget we're in Illinois sometimes because the problems in Chicago isn't the same problems they have out here" I explain.

"I've honestly been in Chicago for eight years and haven't left the city or the suburbs once" he admits.

"It's crazy what all is all around us, and yet we don't get to see any of it" I sigh.

"People like to stick to what they know, there's nothing wrong with that" he defends.

"Aren't you curious as to what more is out there? Don't you ever wonder what more can be done" I question.

"All the time. But my mind doesn't wander all the way out of the city. It stays in its little bubble" he insists.

"I wish I could think that way. I wish just helping people in Chicago was enough for me..." I trail off.

"But it's not" he finishes.

"It's a great place to start. But there's so much wrong in the world" I insist.

"Your dreams are growing" he notices.

"Every day" I smile. "But I learned that from you" I insist.

"Me" he questions almost like he didn't believe me.

"Patrick you've already won, and yet you keep winning. You could have stopped after 2010 but you knew there was more out there you can do. More you can be. Though our goals are not the same our thought process in order to achieve them is" I explain.

"You're right" he smiles. "But you always had dreams" he reminds me.

"I had ambitions. Goals that I wouldn't be denied. And my mom always said I should have more realistic ambitions, to not shoot for the moon. But I was never one to do things just to do them. There's meaning behind everything, there has to be. And I wanted to be the reason every now and then" I say.

"Ambition can be a pain in the ass, but it's necessary in humans. Without ambitions, what's the point, ya know" he asks.

"I do" I assure him.

"And that's why I love you" he smirks.

After driving for a while we ended up in the country. We pull up to this spot in the middle of nowhere where there was a big blanket covering the ground. There was food and little pictures set out as I smile big. I turn to Patrick who puts the car in park before turning to me.

"Pat, this is incredible" I admit as he smiles.

"I had to pull a few strings to make this happen. I asked your dads your favorite foods so I could have them made and Marissa helped me get the pictures into the frames. Then I had some buddies suggest this spot to come to to watch the sunset. I love the sunset in the city but there's so much that takes away from it. Here is just open fields" he explains.

"It's perfect, I love it" I smile.

So we get out of the car and enjoy all my favorite foods. Patrick got a little bit of everything so we had a bunch of leftovers. But I wasn't going to complain because the food was great and just sitting on the ground and being able to talk to Patrick has been so much fun. I needed a day away and I couldn't see that, but he could. He knew I would work until I drive myself insane, he understand how I think and why I think that way. I'm so lucky to be with someone who goes the extra mile like he did today just to put a smile on my face.

Eventually the sun starts to set and I sit under Patrick's arm watching the time pass us by. I used to think I had to spend every second making something of myself, but it was nice to just exist for once. To let life happen and not try to control it.

"I got you something for your birthday" Patrick claims as I look up into his big blue eyes. I could have been siting at a beach on the ocean with those things.

"I thought this was the gift" I admit.

"This was a long and complicated part of the plan to give you the gift" he explains.

"It's never easy with you" I tease.

"Where's the fun in that" he smirks.

He digs in its pocket and pulls out a little ring box. I look at him questionably as he starts to blush. "It's not a engagement ring" he explains as I let out a sigh of relief. "Don't seem so happy" he teases.

"It's not that I wouldn't say yes

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"It's not that I wouldn't say yes. It's just been seven months and we haven't talked about marriage or the future or anything like that" I defend.

"You're right. But I do know I want to spend the rest of my life with you" he claims as he opens up the ring box. I see a beautiful ring resembling the moon sitting in there and I let out a gasp. It was nicer than anything I've ever owned and it wasn't even close. I wasn't really someone to wear or have these kinds of things. But with it coming from Patrick it means something. "Basically it's a promise ring I got for you. Just something to show you that you're my moon and always will be, no matter what" he explains.

I don't say anything as I pull him into a long kiss. He sets the ring down so his fingers could grab my face. I hold him tight as I show him to the best of my abilities how much this means.

"So I'm guessing you like it" he whispers on my lips and I smile.

"It's perfect" I whisper.

The Pursuit of Happiness (Patrick Kane)Where stories live. Discover now