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Once the homeless shelter plans were in place and the new policies were under effect I decide to move to my next project. I can work here in this city until the day I die and there will still be more to be done. Barley make a dent in the number of things that need to happen for everyone in this city to be happy. But I can't worry about all of that, I need to take this one day at a time and help the people who need it the most.

So I decide to go visit some of the schools in Chicago and find a way to help them there. Some of the most under funded and under educated kids come from this area and I knew even a little bit of change would go a long way.

Patrick decided to join me and see what all I do. I don't mind because any excuse for him to come hang out with me is a good day. Plus I know some of the kids would love to hang out with him while I try and figure out the best way to approach this.

We arrive at the school pretty early and we meet the principle in her office. He gives us a tour as the kids flood in to their classes and honesty, I was concerned. I wasn't really sure how this place was staying open. It's august and school just started, but it was still really hot outside. And this place had no air conditioning meaning the kids had to sit in hot classes with fans as their only source of air. they get heat days but that just takes away from a already suffering education process. And the air was just a start of the physical problems of the school. The rooms were way over populated meaning the teachers were teaching up to 30 kids at a time. They didn't have enough desks and chairs and the ones they had had been written all over and over used. The classrooms didn't have enough textbooks for all the kids so they had to stay in the school meaning they couldn't do homework at home. Teachers had to pay out of pocket for things for the kids, and they were underpaid as is. They want to teach but they feel like they don't have enough resources.

It was hard to see. My family was technically working class but I always had the greatest opportunities growing up. I never shared a text book and I never broke a sweat in class. I had it so nice and I didn't even know it. I would sit there and complain about hating school not having a real reason to not want to be there. These kids have to meet the same expectations I had with half the resources, and it's not fair.

"Where should I start" I ask the principle. There's just so much to do.

"I would start with the teachers, the kids can't go anywhere without them. We're under employed because they don't have benefits that would allow them to pursue the education they need and it meet the amount of money they will make. If there was a way to get teaches laptops or a smart board or even a whiteboard for their classes it'll make it easier. Or maybe some books and desks for the classroom. The teachers really struggle keeping kids interested in education because they come here and they sit in the chairs of a hot classroom watching the clock hoping for it to be all done. The grade school age is so important when it comes to development. While their education starts here so will their struggles. We want the teachers to have the best chances of helping these kids, they simply don't get the funding" the woman explains.

"Alright. So I will talk to the government officials about better funding for our teachers. Get them more chances to help the kids get better. I know people have tried and failed before, the teachers tried to strike. But I'm a pretty persuasive person so I'm going to see what alli can do.

And while we wait for the board I'm going to see what else we can do. How are the extra curricular activities? The best way to keep the kids safe is to keep them busy. I know grade schoolers don't have sports teams and things like that but they take PE and music and art. How are those classes" I ask.

The woman lets out a deep sigh as she turns to me. I can see in her eyes the struggle she was feeling right now. And even if I get people to agree to help me im afraid they'll be too far gone by then. "I'm going to be real honest with you. We don't have much of a arts or music program. We have no instruments or supplies left, we ran out last year and we're stretching out what's left. We obviously can't close the school down, but we simply can't go on like these. These kids, they're falling behind and they'll never be able to catch up if this continues. No one wins in this situation and I don't know what else to do. That's why I called you" she explains.

"I promise you, I will do everything I can to help you guys. I don't know what they'll let me get away with. But this is too important of a situation to let them deny me. I'll raise the money myself if I have to. We're going to get you some help" I insist.

"Bless your heart" she replies with a sad smile.

We go off and talk and I let Patrick do his thing. They have all the kids and teachers to the theatre room and Patrick talks to all of them. The teachers were super excited because they know what he just did. They knew what him being here could mean for them. If I'm lucky I can score a deal with the Hawks and have them sponsor the school so they can get some new school supplies. But before all of that Patrick just wanted to hang out with the kids and have some fun. He was very much a child at heart so he fit right in. He played tag and duck duck goose until the teachers had to pull the kids away from him.

They all go to class and I wait for the principle to return. I wrap my arm around his as I rest my head on his shoulder.

"You're going to be able to help these people, right" he questions.

"I'm going to do everything they can. I truly don't believe they will let these kids and these teachers continue to suffer like this. We can't let it happen" I assure him.

"I want to donate some money. These kids, they're wonderful to be around. But they don't even know that their life of being made for them and that they're already so far behind. I can't do what you do but I can do something" he claims.

"That would be amazing Patrick" I insist.

"You're amazing, I hope you know that. Every ounce of hope these kids have they owe to you. I know you inspired me to come and do things like this, you can get them the help they need" he promises.

The Pursuit of Happiness (Patrick Kane)Where stories live. Discover now