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monday morning, it's no surprise to me when tessa doesn't show up.

i was so close.
so, so close.

my head immediately lowers when richard passes me in the hall, and i assume he knows all about it if tessa isn't here. he stops in front of me, but i continue looking at his shiny black shoes.

"come with me."

the three chilling words makes me refrain from arguing or making a snarky comment, and he leads me into his office and closes the door behind us.

i sit in the chair across from his desk as he settles behind it. for once, i'm not overly confident or cocky.

i'm terrified.


"it wasn't her fault," i spill out, panic in my voice. "i told her to make an excuse so she could leave. a-and if taking the blame means you firing me, that's okay. i really, really hope you don't because i actually really like it here and it gives me something to do besides break the law, and—"

"i'm not firing you."

i blink a couple times. "really?"

he shakes his head and leans forward on the desk. "i've had all weekend to calm down. i'm still very, very angry at the both of you, but yelling does nothing."

"so... what are you going to do?"

"well," he sits up straight. "i'm assuming you've noticed tessa isn't here today?"

i nod slowly. "yeah..."

"schedule change: you now no longer work saturdays. that's the only day she will be here. plus, she's grounded until further notice. you won't be hearing from her."

my stomach drops, and i stare at him slack jawed.


he holds up a hand. "i'm her father. no offense, ethan, but doing this is the right thing."

"she's 18! a legal adult!" i exclaim.

"and yet she's still financially dependent on me. funny how that works, isn't it?" he asks slyly, tilting his head.

rage fills my stomach, but i force it back down. when tessa said her father was controlling and strict, i didn't know she meant it like this.

"will i ever... you know..."

"see her again? no."

i widen my eyes. "why?"

"look, ethan," he sighs. "playing romeo and juliet was fun. it's time to close the curtain."

"i- i wasn't playing anything..." i shake my head with disbelief.

"you're clearly just interested in her because i told her you can't be."

"that's not it at all—!"

"ethan, calm down," he instructs, and i sit back down in my chair, tightening my grip on the handles.

"i just don't know why you're doing this," i say quietly.

"she doesn't either. you'll understand once you're a parent."

"i really won't," i insist.

"not my fault," he says, holding up his hands in surrender. "you're in charge of your future, ethan.... but keep my little girl out of it."

"your little girl," i air quote. "is old enough to make her own decisions."

"how long have you known tessa for?"

"that doesn't matter."

"how long, ethan?" he questions again.

"a month," i mumble.

"i've known her for approximately 215 months more than you. don't you think i know what's best for her?"

i stand up from the chair without answering, and don't look back as i open the door and step out.

the smell of her perfume invades my mind again, and i look down at the hand she had hers in. i close it up into a fist and hold it at my side. my lips were brushing hers, daring to move just a little closer before flabby mary-anne decided to show up.

she wasn't leaning away. i gave her time to, and she never did. she closed her eyes and waited for me to kiss her.

but clearly i didn't do it quick enough.

sighing, i try to busy myself throughout the morning with organizing, watering plants (even the fake ones), and asking people if they need any copies made.

but the entire time, i'm thinking of tessa. how she must be feeling right now, if she's angry at me, and how angry.

i want to see her, but the chances of that happening are lower than zero. mary-anne offers me cold looks with narrowed eyes whenever i run into her, which gives me a tell on what she thinks of this whole situation.

but then i remember something.

richard is leaving at the end of the week to go on a weekend business trip. he probably won't leave tessa alone now, but he'll probably leave her with someone like mary-anne.

and someone like mary-anne is very easy to trick.

a feeling of relief finds its way into my chest as i try to think of ways i could see her then. it's only a matter of time and a game plan, and i have yet to get both of those.

but as soon as her dad is out of sight, i'll make my presence known again.

even if it's only for a weekend.

(authors note: sorry this chapter is so short! the last one was 3,000 words, so i thought this one should be shorter to balance it out lol. love you!)

p.s. hope you're enjoying this :)

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