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the text comes at 7:30 pm, after all my hope had washed down the drain.

tessa v: hey ella! just got your letter earlier today. we should totally hang out soon. how about my house in like, 20 minutes?

laughing a little, i reply with my best impression of how a college girl would text her high school best friend.

me: omg for sure! i'll be there in a min. can't wait to see you again, girl!

the 'girl' physically hurts to type out, let alone send. but i have a feeling she's most likely laughing at it and will tease me about it as soon as i see her.

tessa v: can't wait! also, don't enter through the front door. come around the back and my dog won't bark. plus, my dad has motion sensor cameras haha wouldn't want him to get a notification for no reason or anything
tessa v: ... ahahaha imagine how bad that would be...👀

i hate texting like this, but i for sure get the message that i can't park my car anywhere near the house and i'll probably have to climb a tree to get up to her window.

a mixture of excitement and nervousness fills my stomach as i drive to her house and wait at the end of the street to see the red volvo pull out of the driveway. i duck down in my seat as mary-anne passes me, and quickly speed off when the coast is clear.

i end up parking in a cul de sac three streets over and casually walking the sidewalks, trying to look as unsuspicious as possible. the time on my watch says 7:55, and i speed up my walk a little.

by the time i reach the blue house behind hers, i still haven't found a plan. so i just decide to make a break for it down the side of the house and hop the fence into tessa's backyard.

it isn't as smooth as you'd think.

i fall to the hard ground, groaning from the impact, and only then do i notice the gate in the fence that could have been useful as well.

it makes me laugh, and i stand up and scan the back of the house to see her window.

it's the one that's partially cracked open.

"nice," i whisper and analyze the tree that snakes up to it.

"a ladder would've been courteous," i mumble out before grabbing a branch and pulling myself up.

climbing a tree is surprisingly easier than hopping the fence, and only now do i realize what the hell i'm putting myself through as she just sits in her room waiting for me.

i've just about reached the branch i need to step on to reach her window when it flies open. i just about fall from the surprise, but catch myself before i can.

her head pops out, and i've never been happier to see it.

while i'm grinning, she's raising her eyebrows and eyeing my situation up and down.

"did you not get my last text? i said there was a ladder on the east side of the house."

"what?" i exclaim loudly.

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