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it's pretty clear that i'm overly anxious the next morning, starting at 6 am when tessa leaves a small kiss to my nose as she said goodbye.

ever since then, i've been up and religiously dusting every nook and cranny in my place— a nervous habit i've always had.

grayson and my mom come at around 7:30, all dressed and prepared. my mom irons my pants, grayson tries to calm me down, and i get a couple texts from richard. they tell me good luck, and that he's praying hard for a victory.

"what happens to this place if i don't come back?" i ask, looking around at all my furniture.

"i'll take care of it, don't worry," my mom waves a hand, reaching up to fix my hair. i wiggle away from her perfectionist tendencies.

the next time i could be seeing the city is 25 years from now, 17 with good behavior.


i'm hoping a miracle will happen today, and i can come home to tessa's warm embrace, a congratulatory handshake from richard, and the rest of my family's relieved sighs.

at 9:00, grayson tightens the tie around my neck as i stare into my bedroom mirror. the person who stares back is completely different than the one i saw even a couple months ago.

it's crazy how one person can do that to you.

"ready?" grayson breathes out, planting a hand on my shoulder.

"yeah," i nod, my mouth feeling insanely dry.

tessa and i compromised that she would wait outside the court room until it was time, and then she would leave and not enter.

how am i supposed to stare at her from the courtroom chair and not feel like the worst person alive? her seeing me there would be an ultimate shameful experience.

my mom drives us to the courthouse where my future is in the hands of a judge. whatever they decide is the way it goes, and i'm scared.

"relax, ethan," my mom whispers to me as we walk in briskly, but i don't know if she's telling that to me or myself.

we get pass the small security check and get ushered up to the third floor, where a couple random people are looking bored and waiting on some bench seats.

the first person i spot is tessa, raw eyes and all. she sits next to where her dad is standing as he engages in a quiet conversation with hargrove, worry present on both of their faces.

when she sees me, she rises from her seat and i immediately walk over, engulfing her in a hug.

"you're already crying?" i laugh out weakly, just to lighten the mood.

"duh, i'm scared," she muffles into my chest.

"i'm not allowing you to be any more scared than i am, okay?" i whisper, pulling back to i can see her eyes.

tessa nods numbly and looks over my shoulder at my family. they walk over, and she quickly begins to wipe her eyes.

a tight, forced smile displays out on her face as she shakes the hand of my mom and grayson, introducing herself.

"i know he circumstances are... unfortunate," my mom looks to me. "but it's really nice to meet you, tessa."

"you guys as well," she replies, reaching for her purse and pulling out the travel size packs of tissues. she hands one to my mom, and that just about pushes her over the edge for the morning.

"guys, no crying," i say through clenched teeth, looking around to see if anyone is noticing.

a large hand lands on my shoulder, and i turn to see richard looking down at me. "ready, kid?"

i check my watch. 9:45.

"ready as someone being tried for attempted murder can be."

"dad," tessa starts to say, and i see grayson's eyes widen as he looks between them.

i know, right? i mouth to him, hoping to ease some of the confusion.

it was unexpected for me too, trust me.

"you guys should sit down," hargrove interjects, motioning to the small benches. "ethan, we should talk real quick."

"can i come with?" tessa pleads.

richard gives her a pitiful look. "no, sorry honey."

i make sure her dad is turned around before placing a kiss on her temple and starting following them down the marble floored hallway.

the anxiety i'm feeling in my chest doesn't allow the opening door to register that much, and my mind brushes past it and i keep my eyes locked on the floor in front of me.

it's only when i hear a couple small gasps do i look up in the direction of the noise.

and there stands a person i never thought i'd get to see again.

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