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tessa was very adamant about the fact that she didn't want to wrinkle her white sundress, so i sent her off to the bathroom with some of my clothes fresh from the dryer.

i'm scrolling through my phone when my bedroom door creaks open, and she inches in the room.

i laugh when she holds her arms out straight and does a small spin, showcasing the baggy grey sweatpants and vintage band t-shirt.

"i feel like... what's that one famous guy that wears really baggy clothes all the time?" she asks as she makes her way to the other side of the bed and crawls in.

"adam sandler?"

"yeah. him."

as she wriggles under the covers, the sweatpants begin to slide down and she laughs while pulling them back up.

"my waist might just be thicker than yours," i sigh out jokingly.

"they're comfy, it's okay."

"here, sit up," i say, getting an idea.

she does and i reach out to fold over the waistband a couple of times, cinching them tighter. her skin feels warm and soft when my fingers brush over her stomach.

"there. perfect," i say contently and lay back down.

something about her wearing my clothes and laying in my bed sends my feelings into overdrive, and it only gets worse when she cuddles up next to me.

our legs tangle under the sheets, and she breathes deeply.

if i had known that by working with richard i would meet tessa, i would've done it years ago.

"your hair smells good," i yawn.

"thanks, i curled it earlier so that's the protectant spray, probably."

i close my eyes and focus on both of our breathing. at one point i try to match mine with hers and almost suffocate, so that tells me she's on the verge of sleeping.

my position is slightly uncomfortable, but at the same time i don't want to move. she seems to be enjoying her spot.

and after a little while, i can hear the small little wisps of air come from her mouth and smile. i reach my free arm and brush the stray hairs from her face and feel her warm skin flushed with healthy color. i rest my hand on her temple for a moment before pushing it back and placing a kiss there instead.

her eyelashes flutter a little, but they stay closed.

i literally don't think i could even force myself to be anything but gentle with tessa at all times. the day where i grabbed her arm too hard ate me up for the entire week, and i still hate that i did that.

for some reason, she just seems like a porcelain doll that i have to carry with two hands and could break if i'm not soft enough.

and i'm okay with that.
more than okay, really. she brings out a different side to me that i don't think anyone has before.

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