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i knew it.

i knew my sister would refuse to help me, but a little tiny sliver of hope still somehow wedged it's way into me because tessa was so adamant about the fact that she could convince her.

i'm not mad at tessa at all. i know she gave it her all, and cameron's just really stubborn. she's always been like that, but i need her not to be right now.

so i lay on my bed, facing the ceiling and trying to count how many times my fan spins. my wandering mind keeps thinking to how soon i'll probably be back in the court room, and possibly even in a jail cell.

just when i thought things were starting to work out for me, this happens.

i finally got a girlfriend. a job. a georgia drivers license. the hopes of starting over.

and look where it landed me.

i've been sulking quietly for probably three or four hours when a knock comes to my apartment door. it seems rushed and quick.

sighing, i push myself up and walk slowly to the door. i've barely opened it when someone throws themself into me, practically suffocating me with the tight hug.

the familiar peach perfume invades my senses, relaxing me instantly.

"hi, i know i'm kind of unexpected but i convinced my dad to drop me off here for a little bit, which honestly took more than i thought it would..." tessa begins to ramble off quickly, but i stop listening after a bit and keep one arm wrapped around her shoulder, and using the other to shut the door.

she's still going on and on when i pull her further into the apartment and rest my cheek on top of her head.

tessa stops suddenly, and i pull back and tilt my head enough to see her eyes.

"i'm sorry, ethan," she says quietly.

"not your fault," i reply. "i would never hold you to something like that."

"but... your case—"

"will be fine," i finish in lame reassurance. i think we both know i'm worried about it.

"i'm scared."

"then let's not talk about it," i decide and pull away from her embrace and walk to the kitchen. she follows after me, looking around as i pretend not to notice and open the fridge.

"are you hungry? you've been in the car for awhile."

she nods and stands beside me, scanning the food in my fridge. i open the cupboard door right next to it, revealing other snacks.

when i think she's going to grab for a cheese stick, she reaches for the bag of cotton candy green grapes, and i let out a small laugh.

"i need to try them," she grins for the first time since she's stepped into my apartment.

i grab a bowl, tear apart a couple bunches, and run the sink water over them. tessa plucks one and pops it into her mouth instantly.

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