Visits (???)

403 13 32

Well, this is the big surprise! No announcement of the ship, let's get into this.

Trigger Warning: Small Spaces, Blood, Slight Torture.

Grian sighed as he looked at his halo above his head. He never died, just was born to two angel parents.

"Ready G? We're heading over to Wels's base."

"Ready Iskall!" Grian yelled back, running out. X, Doc, Iskall, and Mumbo stood waiting for Grian. When he arrived, they took off.

"Wels was talking about a man from Hels that looked a lot like him, except evil. We're going to see what he's talking about." They landed, almost in the uncovered pit.

"That's what Helsknight did, trapped me in there. However, we're invading his world today." Wels said, taking out a Steel and Flint, meant to open a portal to Hels. Lighting his portal with it, the portal turned red, meaning it most likely worked. Grian entered in first. To see cages above the lava, it freaked him out. Also the immense lag.

"Grian, you alright?" Wels said, putting his hand on G's shoulder.

"Fine, let's continue." Grian said, pointing towards a tunnel. Wels and Grian were the scouting group, X and Mumbo would come in and document, and Iskall and Doc were the guards. Entering the tunnel, they saw a throne room, with a man in Netherite armor yelling at EX.

"Grain disappeared! He said he was spying on someone, and hasn't come back since!"

"HELS! I can't do anything about it, just do your job." Hels sighed, and turned around to see Grian and Wels.

"I can see you two, you know~" He said, bringing out a netherite sword. 

"G? What's our move?"

"Run!" Grian yelled, they each ran in opposite directions from each other, Hels followed Grian as someone kept hitting Grian with arrows, slowing him down.

"Oh little angel~ you can't hide~" Hels taunted, grinning as the angel hit a dead end. Wels had followed in, only to get blocked off by Black stained glass(don't ask.)

"What do you want from me!?"

"Just some information, and I'll let you free like a birdy. But, don't cooperate and well, those pretty little wings might get hurt~"

"Wels! We spotted you, everyone's being taken care of by Doc and Iskall. What's happening in there?"

"Not sure."

"Now, just be a good little hostage and give me what I want~" Hels said, pushing Grian up against the wall with his Netherite sword to his neck. 

"What the fuck are you asking.."

"Where is Grain~?"

"I have no idea..!" Grian said. Wrong answer, as he screamed when Hels made an incision in the shape of an L. Blood trickled down his wing as Hels asked again.

"Where is Grain~?" Wels couldn't break the glass, as it kept moving because of the massive lag machine pushing it up and down.

"C-crystal..." Grian whimpered out, almost crying. Hels put his sword away, smiling as he held the injured angel's face.

"Just a couple more questions, Angel~" Grian's tears streamed down his face as he was forced down by Hels into an uncomfortable position. "Now, where is this crystal~?"

"I-I d-don't know..." Hels growled as he hit Grian with the blunt end of his sword in the head, causing the angel to almost fall over.

"I'll ask again~"

"I-it's a-at m-my base..." Hels smiles before cutting an I next to the L, more blood dripping from his wings. Wels couldn't look.

"Once more, don't lie~"

"I-It's I-in m-my e-e-Ender c-chest.."

"Good angel~ now, is there any way to get Grain out~?"

"Y-yes.." Hels smiled before turning away from the bleeding Grian, grinning at Wels.

"Let Grian out!"

"Not until he gives me what I want. And unfortunately, doesn't look like he'll be giving it up any time soon." Hels said, pulling out a stone axe. "For every minute he doesn't give me the crystal, I will be striking him once with this. Start." Wels heard a click behind him, a stopwatch. A scream alerted Wels back to Grian, who was just hit with the axe's blunt side. He started to cry, not able to escape.

"Let him go Hels!"

"Warlord, grab him." Wels was suddenly grabbed by a taller Doc with glitch eyes and two robotic arms.

"Let him go, Hels." A voice said, jumping in. Ren. 

"Why would I be afraid of a half wolf?!" Hels laughed, until Ren tore up Warlord's robot arms with ease.

"Yeah, Hels." Doc's voice cut in, him striking NPM(Robot Mumbo) with his trident and entering into the small tunnel. Doc threw his trident through the glass, and Ren ran in, holding back Hels's attacks and landing some with his claws. But, Grian warned them, and soon Ren and Doc ran.

"Hah! Afraid of me, fools?" Hels yelled before turning around. "G-Grain.." a devil version of Grian smiled back at him.

"Hey Hels~" he said, blowing up a bed.

Helsknight was permanently killed by Grain


"I'm the Hels version of Grian, we were born as twins and our souls are fused together. Look." Grain relinquished control, allowing Ren and Doc to see a half angel, half devil.

"Woah, G you look snazzy!" Ren said, dragging Grian out of Hels and closing the portal after Doc.

"Love you two.." G said before falling asleep on Ren, who fell over onto Doc.

Word Count: 842

Yes, GriRenDoc(not official ship name but eh) was the ship! Here's the Hels versions roles:

Helsknight: Guard

EX: Ruler

NPM: Redstone creator, he created the small passage where Grian was trapped.

Grain: was the spy

Warlord: Brute, often fought the rebels

Dark Pearl(Iskall's): Assassin, was the one shooting arrows

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