Singing thier daddy's verse

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While Harry was in his home studio messing about doing what he does in there. Me and the kids was having a sing along party.

"Alright next up is one directions' drag me down" I annoucned and they cheered.

"Ok Who sing's daddy's verses?"

"Me please" Bennington said 

"Alright, who gets uncle Lou's?"

"I'll take it" Erim said

I nodded my head

"Who takes Niall's?"

"I'll do it." 

We turned and seen Harry walking up to us and smiled.

"Alright, then who get's uncle Li Li's?"

"Me please" Amethyst said

"Alright, here it goes take it away" I said then pressed play on the video.

I have been recording our little sing along session.

I walked around recording them singing their parts.

"Take it away Erin" I said as it got to the pitched verson and He did just like Harry had done.

I smiled as they all finished up and then bowed.

I clapped and whistled.

"Bravo babies."

"Now next song mommy sing's daddies verse."

"Which is one of mommies favoirtes" Harry said

 I looked and seen it was if I could fly.

"ALright i'll take daddy's verson" I said 

"Who takes Louis's?" Harry asked

"Me." Amethesty said

"And who will take Li's?" I asked

"Me" Erin said

"I'll keep Niall's"Harry said 

THe song started so I sang along. I closed my eyes getting into it before it switched to Li's. I opened my eyes then took it away again.

When I sung that verse I stared at Harry then looked away when Ametheyst started singing. I smiled and watched them all.

We all joined together Bennington was recording it all.

 We got into it and I knew I would get lost into it.

I started to tear up as the sang started to edge close to the end.

I wiped my eyes and was hugged by AMethyst and Erin as we all finished the song.

"Awe momma" Bennington said

"I am fine I promise" I tell him

He nods his head as the next song starts.

"ALright who gets who?" Harry asked

"I'm taking Z's" I replied

"I'll take Louis" Bennington said

"I'll take Daddy's?" I asked

"Me" AMethyest said 

"I'll take Lou's" Erin said 

I nodded my head as the song started.

All of us were having fun just enjoying ourselves.

WHen the song ended we all clapped for each other before letting steal my girl play as we headed into the kitchen where Harry and I made a light lunch then handed it out before pour cups full of sweet tea as we joined our little ones at the table.


After we had a simple lunch Harry went back to the studio, Ametheyest and Erin headed off to go play while it was just Bennington and I having our own sing along.

"What song do you wanna sing?" I asked

"Um, what about one of daddy's solo song?" he asked

"Alright which one?"

"Lights up?"

I smiled and searched for the video and clicked on it before I paused it.

"Since it's just daddy do you want to sing it or take turns?"

"Take turns."


I pressed play and bennington started the song then I came in and from there on we took turns.

Bennington and I was have the time of our lives singing Harry's solo songs. 

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