Your pregnant but Harry isn't the daddy

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Five months ago I recived great news, got broke up with my ex  and a beautiful angel walked into my life.

I had found out was going to be a mommy after dating my boyfriend at the time for half a year. When I told him that he was gonna be a dad he told me to abort my child or I would loose him. So I packed up everythign and left him.

There was no way in this world or any other world I would abort a baby. it's against all I believe in.

I found me a two bedroom place for me and my unborn baby, transfered jobs and I told my boss that I was pregnant.

weeks after that happened I met this beautiful angelic man name Harry styles.

We met on a night out on the town. He was with some friends and I was riding solo. I was in a bar & grill. He came over and asked if anyone was sitting at the table with me when I told him no he sat down and from that point forward we have been inseprable.

When i told him that I was pregnant he was a little sceptical. So I explained to him that I got pregnant by my ex who told me to either abort my baby or I would loose him so I left. I also told Harry that same night if he didn't want to continue our realtionship since he now knows I am pregnant then we will end it then and there.

He surprised me when he kissed me and told me he wans't goign anywhere. From that point till this Harry has been hands on with this pregnancy.


"I have a question for you, I have been thinking about it and everyone that sees us togther thinks this so why not make it real?"

I looked at him a little confused.

"Can I be your baby's father?"

 I teared up and nodded my head before grabbing his face and kissing him before I pulled back

"Yes Harry you can be her dad" I tell him then pull him back in for a kiss.

What he did next surprised me even more. He got down on one knee and asked me to marry him which really got my hormones stired crazy and I cried much more as I nodded my head.


As my pregnancy went on different things happened. One harry and I got hitched, two I moved in with him, and three I decided to work from home that way it wont have to take maternity leave and I can work at my own hours and on my own time.

 Anne had decided to throw me a baby shower. She didn't care that Harry had no part in my baby's creation. She loved the fact that Harry was stepping in and filling the postion of being my baby's dad. She told me that Harry and my baby girl will be like her own blood.

The day I went into labour I kinda freaked out but poor Harry fully freaked out. I managed to get us both clam and he took me to the hospital got all that taken care of. had called my doctor on the way there.

Once they got me in the room and situated they checked to see how far I was then told us the estimated time it would be before I would be ready.

Every time a contraction hit Harry let me grip or squeeze his hand, I would appologize but he told me it was fine as long as it was something he could do to help.

I have told him over and over again how much I am grateful for him. How much I love him. and how much all that he is doing and has done sicne learning of my pregnancy.

He assured me it was nothing but to me it was everything.


When I finally had Harry's and my baby He cut the cord and did everything that I birthday would do. 

I watched as he held her and just talked to her.

I told the doctor her name then singed where I was suppose before taking Mila in my arms and fed her as Harry singed her birth certificate then came and sat beside me as We both watched Mila.

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