Stage 3: The Letter

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Lietenant Roger parked outside the apartment complex and noticed a bunch of pigeons in front of the entrance. He shooed them away and walked inside. 

Roger: Maddie? As Paris' most repected veterinarian, what is the fastest way to exterminate a pigeon?

A dog walked over and waged his tail.

Roger: Hey Ozzy! Hello. You could've seen... You don't eat garbage, do you?

Maddie, his wife, enters, holding a envelope in her hand which got his attention. 

Roger: What's that? Is that what I think it is?

Maddie: Uh-huh. *holds it out* Open it.

He took the envelope and observe it.

Roger: Oh. It's kinda small. Is that bad?

Maddie: Just... open it.

Roger exhales before opening the envelope and reading the letter.

Roger: "Dear Roger, we have reviewed your application to the City of London Police and pending review and background check... we're happy to inform you that you've been selected to join our team."

Maddie: *laughs* Oh, my god.

Roger: Wow! Oh, my god...

The two hugged. Maddie pulled out a cake and opened it. 

Maddie: Ta-da!

Roger sees the cake and frowns. It reads: "Forget those morons, London sucks!" with Box grider Bridge on fire.

Roger: "London sucks"

Maddie: Oh. *groans* Wrong one.

She switches up the boxes, showing the true victory cake, a picture of Roger in his police uniform with the text: "Congratulations! I never had a doubt!"

Maddie: Ta-da! *laughs*

Roger: You never had a doubt, huh?

Maddie: No! Mm-mmm.

The two kiss and hug.

Roger: I can't believe this.

Maddie: Oh, I know! You did it.

Roger then saw something on her laptop.

Roger: Hey, what are those?

Maddie: Apartments for rent I found on Zillow. I thought Ozzy, Sabrina and I could fly there tomorrow and check out some neighborhoods.

Roger: I mean, this is all happening so fast...

Maddie: *playfully sarcastic* Oh man. It's the craziest thing. You apply for the job, you get the job.

Roger: Well, pending a background check.

Maddie: Oh man. Hope they don't find out about that time you used the neighbor's WiFi...

Roger: Correction: I'm still using the neighbor's WiFi.

Maddie: *laughs*

Roger: But Maddie, are you sure you're okay with this?

Maddie: Roger Raincomprix, what did you do the entire time I was in veterinary school?

Roger: I worked a second job to pay the rent and a third...

Maddie: A third job to pay tuition. You sacrificed for me, I'm happy to sacrifice for you. Babe, are you sure you're okay with this? I mean, you've been protecting this city for more than fifteen years. This is a big change.

Roger: I'm positive. It's time for this guy to get out there and prove himself. I love Paris, but... you know, I wanna help people in real trouble. A fresh start away from the usual supervillains. I want someone to turn to me in a life-or-death situation and I'll be there for 'em. Besides all that, there isn't any actual crime happening.

Maddie: I get it. I'm so proud of you.

Roger: Thank you. Sabrina, you want cake?!

Sabrina: Sure! I'll be out in a minute!

The next day, Roger gave his goodbye speech. 

Roger: And so, it is with a heavy heart that I tell you all that I have accepted a position at the City of London Police, effective immediately. It's gonna be tough to leave my hometown and all my friendships, but this is something I feel like... I need to do. To grow, as both an officer... and a man.

The man then spreads his arms and smiles. He'd been giving his monologue to a donut, adorned with glasses, sitting on the hood of his car

 He'd been giving his monologue to a donut, adorned with glasses, sitting on the hood of his car

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Roger: What do you think, Sergeant Sprinkles? That wasn't so bad, right? Now all I gotta do is... tell everyone who isn't a donut.

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