Stage 7: Escape

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The drones hover over and between the pine trees, until one of them discovers something. "Logging Anomaly". A spectrum analysis is performed on said anomaly: a footprint on a rock. Robotnik, inside his truck, decked out with several technological enhancements, presses several button to analyse the image. Stone enters the mobile lab.

Dr. Robotnik: Agent Stone?

Agent Stone: Doctor?

Dr. Robotnik: Do you use anything useful in this image?

Agent Stone: Nothing at all, Doctor.

Dr. Robotnik: Of course you don't. Your eyes weren't expertly trained to spot tracks by the Native American Shadow Wolves.

Stone briefly looks at his boss with a confused expression. Robotnik then uses his computer to alter the footprint, revealing the shoe the foot was in. He rolls his chair back for Stone to see it.

Agent Stone: That's extraordinary...

Dr. Robotnik: No. What's extraordinary is... I determined the exact height, weight and spinal curvature of this creature. And my computer can't find a single match for it, anywhere, in Earth's Animal Kingdom. *stands up, points at the screen* This blackout was not a terrorist attack and that's no baby Bigfoot. *gloating, stepping to his desk* This guy... is something else... entirely. Divert all search units to the site of the footprint. That's one small step for men, one giant leap for me.

Several military operatives search the forest, armed with guns, hounds and drones. Sonic watches them from a high place.

Sonic: Okay, okay. Everything is fine... You played some baseball, got a little upset, lightning shot out of your butt and now they're coming for you.

He speeds back to his cave, trying to pull himself together.

Sonic: Alright, alright, Earth isn't safe anymore. Time for Plan B: Mushroomville. *speeds through the cave* I gotta take my stuff. Okay, essential items only.

He quickly drops several items in a backpack.

Sonic: Okay, toothbrush, toothpaste, hair gel, night light, funny hat, this half-eaten cantiloupe... Oh, and my scented candle... My entire comic book collection. Beanbag chair... Can a beanbag chair fit in a backpack? No, no, no, of course not. That's stupid. Okay, what else? The rings, the rings! Yes, of course. *pulls out a ring* Okay, here we go. Ring time. Mushroom planet, here I come.

The sound of barking dogs and drones were closing in on Sonic's hideout.

Sonic: Oh no! They're right outside. I gotta go somewhere else...

He briefly turns around to his home.

Sonic: Goodbye, cave...

He left to find a safe place to use the ring.

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