Stage 11: Bar List

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He steps inside and looks around, seeing a mechanical cow and eventually Sonic, sitting alone at a nearby table, wearing a cowboy hat. Roger walks towards him and bumps against the hedgehog, clearing his throat. Sonic turns around, he's wearing the shades he found.

 Sonic turns around, he's wearing the shades he found

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Sonic: *tips hat* Howdy, partner!

Roger: I'm not your partner. Come on, we're leaving.

Sonic: But there's a ZZ Top cover band. You gotta see their beards.

Roger: Weird enough to catch them some other time. Let's go, get up.

Sonic: If we stay, I promise I won't say another word for the rest of the trip, starting... now.

A  moment of silence, which is interrupted by the appearance of a waitress.

Roundhouse Waitress: Welcome to the Piston Pit. What can I get you, fellas?

Sonic: Oh, I want nachos and Buffalo Wings... Oh, and guac. Funny word, isn't it? Guac, guac. Guac.

Roundhouse Waitress: Hey, no kids allowed in here. What's he got on, some kind of mask?

Roger: Oh, he... Uh... He's actually forty-three years old and, um, suffers from a very rare skin disease, that stuns his growth and makes him look, um, like... like that.

Sonic: The face, I was born with. Kinda like those strange mutations they documented. The confidence, I picked up along the way.

The waitress smiles for a bit, seemingly uncomfortable.

Roger: Make his a Mellow Yellow, please.

Roundhouse Waitress: Okay. *walks away*

Roger: *takes off his hat, sits down* You owe me one.

Sonic: But I never sat in a barstool before. So squishy! Oh, look at this! It spins!

The hedgehog swirls around, having the time of his life.

Sonic: Woah, woah, woah! *laughs, stops spinning* I feel sick. 

Roger: Are you having fun? You're gonna check this of the old bucket list, huh? Big night for ya.

Sonic: What's a bucket list?

Roger: *sighs* A bucket list is, uh... It's a list of things you wanna do in your life before you, well, kick the bucket.

Sonic: I've never kicked a bucket either. Oh, I gotta make my list!

He quickly runs through the establishment, finding a receipt and a pencil. Sonic begins to write things down, talking to himself with every item he writes down.

Sonic: Ah-hah, hmm-hmm... Oh-ho-ho-ho, Sonic! Ah-hah, ah-hah...

He stops, he seems sad about something. Roger notices this.

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