Stage 15: Up The Building

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Rachel's car is driven shakily over the road. The front of it is slightly damaged. Sonic's voice filled with excitement.

Sonic: Coming through! Whoa, whoa, whoa! Now, this is my turn and I'd pull around here! Sorry! And... perfect park!

Bystander: What are you, crazy?!

Roger: There anything you didn't hit?

Maddie: Why did we let the alien drive?

Sabrina: Why did you let him drive anyway?

Sonic: Hey, I got us here. And please, five stars.

He quickly speeds out of the car, stopping next to his friends.

Sonic: So, this is it?

Roger: That's it. That's your building.

Sonic: Wow! Look at that thing.

Maddie: What happens now?

Sonic speeds away.

Maddie: Oh. He's gone.

Sabrina: Yeah...

But the hedgehog quickly comes back.

Sonic: No good. You need a special key to get to the roof.

Maddie: What now?

Roger: Time for me to abuse the power entrusted to me.

Maddie and Sabrina looks over, empuzzled. They then both walk into the building while Sonic hides himself in a sports bag. He zips it up as the couple walks to the reception.

Roger: We got a jumper on the roof. *showing his badge* Gotta get up there fast or we have a human pancake on our hands.

Receptionist: Y-you came all the way from Paris?

Roger: Yep. Transfered in. That's how serious it is.

The receptionis looks over to Maddie then at Sabrina, before she hands Roger a key card to the roof.

Receptionist: Okay.

Roger: *holds the card* You just saved a life.

They make it to an elevator. Two business people appear alongside them, looking at their phones.

Sonic: How much longer? I can't breathe in here.

The business woman looks at the bag.

Sonic: Hello? Anybody there?

Business Woman: *looks at Roger* Do you have your child in that bag?

Roger: No. I mean, yes. It's a child, but it's not mine.

Business Man: It's not your child?

Roger: Relax. I'm a cop, okay? Plus, he likes it in there. Don't you, buddy?

Sonic: Why would I like it in here? This is worse than the dog cage you had me in earlier.

Tom: *smiling* Such a kidder.

Sonic: It smells like body spray and a old ham sandwich.

The girls laughs too, but the two outsiders are clearly not at ease.

Sabrina: It's actually a robot made to look like a kid. A friend of mine made it.

Maddie: *zips up bag* Hmm, okay...

Sonic: No! I'm scared in the dark!

The business people slowly back away from this scene.

Sonic: Is anybody there?

Once at the top of the building. The three enter through a door, while the cop opens a bag. Sonic pops out, gasping for breath and having a pair of underpants stuck on his forehead.

Sonic: *coughing dramatically* Oh... What were you keeping in this bag?! *taking the cloth off his head* A jar of pickled farts?!

Roger: Alright, alright... What are we looking for?

Sonic speeds to the end of the platform. He grabs his pouch, runs back and shows one of the rings.

Sonic: This!

Maddie: Okay... What happens now?

Sonic: Now, all I have to do is think of where I want the other end of the ring to appear and... I throw it.

Roger: So, that's it? We did it?

Sonic: Yeah, we did it.

Roger: Hey... Sorry we didn't get to do everything on your bucket list, pal.

Sonic: It's okay. I did the ones I needed the most.

Sabrina: You two are so cute, like...

Roger: Oh... Please, what?

Sonic: We are not.

Roger: No, we're not cute.

Sonic: We are a couple of loose cannons, just livin' by our own rules.

Roger: Exactly.

Maddie: Really?

Roger: Yeah.

Sonic: And our rules include expressing heartfelt emotions.

Maddie: if you say so.

Sonic: Okay then.

Roger: Alright... Um, you gotta go, right?

Sonic: Yeah, yeah, I gotta go.

Roger: I gotta go. You... We gotta go too.

Sonic: So, alright... Bye-bye.

Sonic takes a few steps away from his new friends. He looks sad as he turns back around.

Sonic: Just... one more thing.

Roger walks to Sonic and gets on one knee to make eye contact.

Sonic: I'm sorry I was so hard on you. I know it's a tough decision for you to leave Paris. Walking away from something you care about... has to be painful.

Roger: You're not sure you really wanna go, huh?

Sonic: I don't wanna go. But I can't stay. As long as I'm here, I put everyone in danger. I can't do that. *smiling at Roger* I just want you to know that these last two days have been the best two days of my life.

The cop gets back up and walks to his wife and daughter.

Roger: You know, I never thought I'd say this, but I'm actually gonna miss you, you little blue devil.

Sonic: I'll miss you too, Robo Donut. Thank you.

Roger: For what?

Sonic: For saving my life.

He fishes a ring out of his pouch, which he has strapped around his shoulder like a fanny pack. He throws it, expecting it to open a portal to the mushroom planet. However...

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