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~London, England~

Rachel was waiting on the phone outside the house. Her car about to be towed with bunch of parking tickets on the windshield.

And she was not happy at all.

Rachel: Pick up, pick up, PICK UP!

~Paris, France~

At the police department, Kennedy answers the phone while eating a donut.

Officer Kennedy: Hello? Paris Police Department.

Rachel: [Hi. I need to speak to Roger RIGHT NOW!]

Officer Kennedy: I'm sorry, ma'am. Roger is actually on vacation getting some much needed R&R.

Rachel: [On vacation, MY ASS!]

Officer Kennedy: He is on vacation. I'm following his instagram feed.


Officer Kennedy: ...Well that doesn't sound like something Roger would do. *slightly laughs* Alright, I tell this to a lot of people, but I've been ice fishing with Roger.

Rachel: [HE'S AN IDIOT!!!]

Officer Kennedy: This maybe inappropriate. Are you feeling a connection right now over the phone? Because your voice is just kinda... uh... calming me down. 

Rachel: [*laughs* Stop... *laughs*]

Officer Kennedy: I would like to continue this police interview in person. Are you free... Are you free tomorrow by any chance?

Rachel: [I am... I... My kid and I are having dinner... Lasagne on Wednesday.]

Officer Kennedy: Uh... That sounds great. I'll tag along. *laughs* No I'm just kidding. I'm kidding unless you're inviting me. Are you inviting me? 'Cause Lasagne is my favorite. 

Rachel: [Okay. Yeah. 7:00... My place.]

Officer Kennedy: *takes out notepad* What is that address again?

Rachel: [Find me.]

She hangs up.

Officer Kennedy: W-w-w-w-w-wait! Who hangs up on me?

He hangs up the phone and continues his work. Meanwhile Sonic was putting together a puzzle with his former pursuer, Crazy Carl while the Raincomprix were setting up a picnic.

 Meanwhile Sonic was putting together a puzzle with his former pursuer, Crazy Carl while the Raincomprix were setting up a picnic

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Sonic: Ah, you too slow Carl!

Crazy Carl: Be quiet you little devil.

Sonic: I can do this in one second!

Crazy Carl: I know, you devil.

Maddie: I think they're getting along.

Sabrina: You sure, he's not going to try and capture him again?

Roger: Nah.

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