Stage 6: Enter Robotnik

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Within The Palais Bourbon. Several high officers are grouping around a table to discuss what happened. 

Vice Chairman: Twenty minutes ago, an energy surge knocked out power across the entire Atlantic Northeast. What do we know?

Navy Chief: Well, our first instinct was it was an EMP. But electromagnetic pulses don't have that kind of power.

Air Force Chief: NASA has ruled out meteor strikes or solar flares.

Homeland Security Secretary: The Department of Energy says it's not a power plant malfunction.

Vice Chairman: Well, sounds like we're really good at figuring out what it wasn't.

Army Chief: This could be a prelude to a larger attack. I'm suggesting we scramble the Fifth and Sixth Regiment...

Vice Chairman: No, no, no, no... This needs a much more sophisticated mind. Someone who understands technology.

Army Chief: You wanna send in a lab rat?

Vice Chairman: Not just any lab rat. A lab rat with teeth.

Air Force Chief: You're not suggesting who I think you're suggesting?

Vice Chairman: I know, he's a little weird...

Air Force Chief: Weird?! 

Army Chief: No, no. No way.

Air Force Chief: He's a psychological tire fire!

Vice Chairman: But he's also brilliant. Five PhD's, IQ off the charts, and his... drone tech is-is-is-is revolutionary.

Army Chief: You're sure he can handle this?

Vice Chairman: He has a Perfect Operations record. Remember the coup in Pakistan?

Army Chief: No.

Vice Chairman: Or the uprising in Azerbaijanistan?

Navy Chief: That's not even a country.

Vice Chairman: Exactly. And you can thank Robotnik for that.

Air Force Chief: I can't believe you're bringing that freak into this.

Vice Chairman: Neither can I. But... we have no choice.

The next day, several lab technicians and military operatives are investigating the baseball field. Taking samples, scavenging, when suddenly a truck arrives at the scene, followed by several black cars. 

The leader of the team, Major Bennington, is talking with a nearby soldier

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The leader of the team, Major Bennington, is talking with a nearby soldier...

Female Soldier: Yes, Major...

...and as she steps away, both she and Bennington turn around. The front of the truck, reveals a red camera lens at the top of it.

Major Bennington: What the...

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