Stage 9: House Escape

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Robotnik crouches down by the sidewalk. With his glove, he analyses a nearby footprint left behind by Sonic. Roger hides the him in the storage room.

Roger: All right. Stay here and be quiet.

Sonic: Good plan, great plan. We're already working so well together, practically finishing each other's sentences.

But Roger quickly closes the door.

Sonic: Okay, bye.

The lieutenant answers the door. He opens and sees Robotnik.

Roger: Hello there! Can I help you?

Dr. Robotnik: *lifts hand* Good morning, my rural chum. I'm... from the power company, investigating a blackout. If you don't mind, I'd like to take a few readings inside your house.

Roger: No kidding, you're from the power company? *when the doctor nods* Oh, you must know my buddy Spencer. We play softball together.

Dr. Robotnik: Ah, Spence... He's a good man.

Roger: Yeah, yeah. Oh, come on in.

Dr. Robotnik: Great!

The doctor moves in.

Roger: Take all the readings you need. Except, uh...

Blocks the doorway, Robotnik glares at him.

Roger: The power companies usually take their readings from outside the house. That way, they can check 'em even when you're not home. Also, my buddy Spencer works for the gas company. He's more of an Ultimate Frisbee guy. So, you wanna tell me why you think I'm dumb enough to just let you walk inside my house?

As Robotnik continues his glaring, he puts one arm behind his back and presses several buttons on his power glove. Several small drones fly out of the truck, towards the house, unnoticed by Roger.

Dr. Robotnik: I'm sorry, Mr....

Roger: Raincomprix. But everyone calls me Roger. Except my dentist, he calls me Rob. But it's gone on for so long now that it would just be weird if I corrected him.

Dr. Robotnik: Well, Roger Whose Dentist Calls Him Rob... You may have noticed that this entire city has been experiencing a power outage.

Roger: Yep, no lights. Picked up on that.

As Robotnik goes on, the drones covertly enter the building complex through the windows and doors.

As Robotnik goes on, the drones covertly enter the building complex through the windows and doors

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Dr. Robotnik: [Twenty minutes ago, I tracked an energy pulse with a similar signature to the one that caused this disruption.]

They started scanning their environment. Sonic, looking scared, is hiding in the shadows of the room.

Roger: Listen, uh, Mr...

Dr. Robotnik: Doctor. Dr. Robotnik. But my dentist calls me Rob as well.

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