Stage 19: Aftermath

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The next day, Roger and Maddie were painting their house, probably to cover up the damage Robotnik had caused earlier.

Roger: You got enough there?

Maddie: Yes. I just...

Roger: *holds out paint roller* Need any more?

Maddie: *backs away* You... Get that away. Oh.

They both continue to paint, until someone is heard knocking on the door. Roger opens it, it was the Vice Chairman, holding his hat under his arm.

Vice Chairman: Mr. and Mrs. Raincomprix?

Roger: Yes?

The officer pulls an envelope out of his uniform.

Vice Chairman: A token of appreciation from your government, for keeping quiet about recent incidents, which never occured.

The couple laughs while he hands the envelope over.

Roger: Wow! Wonder what it is...

Maddie: Money to fix the apartment?

Roger: Letter from the Mayor?

Vice Chairman: You'll see.

Roger: Okay.

He opens it up to find... an Olive Garden gift card. "To The Raincomprixs". It's worth fifty bucks, though, so that's something.

Maddie: Olive Garden?

Vice Chairman: Hmm.

Roger: Yeah... *chuckles* The way you said "you'll see", uh, made me think it was something better than the things we said.

Vice Chairman: Have you tried their Never Ending Pasta Bowl? It never ends.

Roger: Makes sense... Fancy.

Maddie: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm... Well, thank you. We appreciate the gesture.

The chairman takes a step away and about to leave.

Roger: Oh hey, I guess we can close the file on that Robotnik guy, huh? He... just disappeared.

Vice Chairman: I'm sorry, but, uh... no such person exists, or ever has existed.

Roger: *to Maddie* I wish that were true...

Vice Chairman: You haven't, by any chance, been in contact with a certain... alien creature since the incident, have you? We would love to have a chat with him. Very casual. Brunch, perhaps.

After a moment of silence...

Roger: Oh, you mean the little blue guy?

Vice Chairman: Hmm.

Roger: No. No, nothing. Doubt we'll ever hear from him again.

Maddie throws out some hmm's to back up her partner.

Vice Chairman: Very well.

Roger: Okay... Thank you.

Maddie: Great.

Vice Chairman: Hmm...

Roger: *while closing the door* Yep.

The chairman tries to peek inside as the door is closed. The couple walks back to their living room.

Roger: To be honest, I'm pretty pumped about the pasta bowl.

Maddie laughs and Sonic jumps out of his hiding place behind the couch.

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