Stage 13: Road Chase

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Roger's car passes the border to England.

Sonic: So, what's on your bucket list?

Roger: Me?

Sonic: Yeah. Everyone has a bucket list, right?

Roger: Well, sure, but... I mean, you're the one leaving Earth and... I'm not planning on dying anytime soon.

Sonic: Oh-ho-ho, don't be so sure. Your best friend is a magnet for danger.

Roger: Oh, already appointing yourself as the bestie.

Sonic: Mm-hmm.

Roger: Little presumptuous, but... I mean... What? No, I-I like you, of course, but... y'know, we're not best friends.

Sonic: You tucked me in last night.

Roger: *snorts*

Sonic: Fine, fine, fine. Best animal friends.

Roger: That would be my dog Ozzy.

Sonic: Okay, let's just drop this increasingly humiliating topic of conversation. Bucket list, give it to me!

Roger: Okay, there is one thing. I've always felt... I don't know, more like a babysitter than a real cop, y'know? Don't get me wrong, I do police work, but really its mostly Ladybug and Cat Noir doing all the work while I handle complaints and tickets. So, I want a chance to prove myself, under real pressure. I'm gonna move to London, become a street cop. And... I don't know, see if I have what it takes.

He looks over to Sonic, his face is frozen in disbelief at what he just heard.

He looks over to Sonic, his face is frozen in disbelief at what he just heard

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Roger: What? Wh-Why is your face doing that?

Sonic: You're leaving Paris?!

Roger: Okay...

Sonic: B-B-But why? Why would you leave Paris?

Roger: This may be hard for you to understand, but Paris is just nothing. It's just plain.

Sonic: Uh, it's not Plain. There are hundreds of people.

Roger: That's not much, dude.

Sonic: It's a perfect city and the people need you!

Roger: Please, I clean out their gutters, I jump-start their cars in the winter. They could call anybody to do that.

Sonic: Sure, they can call anybody, but they don't. They call you.

Roger directs his attention back onto the road. In Robotnik's mobile lab, the doctor raises his arms as several holographic images are turned on. The mastermind stands in the middle of them as the camera turns from upside down to rightside up. He looks at his screen, showing the view of a car on the road.

Dr. Robotnik: Hmm... Eeny, meeny, miny... mayhem!

He selects his vehicle: a tank. After several other buttons are pushed. Sonic and Roger were driving as the tank enters the frame. 

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