Stage 8: First Meeting

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At the Raincomprix' apartment, Abigail was calling. Roger, who's been drawing a route from Paris to London on a map, picks up his phone.

Roger: Hey!

Abigail: [Hey...]

Roger: Whatcha doin'?

Abigail: [Oh, just coloring with Jojo and Rachel.]

Roger: Ah, that sounds... half fun. Hey, exciting stuff here. We had a power outage. The whole town went dark. It was like a sign, telling me to get out of dodge.

Abigail: [Davis must have lost his mind.]

Roger: Yeah. And he does not have much to lose. How's your sister? Did she convince you to leave me yet?

Abigail: [No, but she did tell me to check your phone for dating apps.]

Roger: The only apps on my phone are the ones that came with it. *shrugs* And the Olive Garden.

Abigail: [Ah. Because when you're there...]

Roger: You're family.

The sound of something breaking got his attention. He looks to the direction of the sound.

Roger: Oh, no way... The pigeons are back. *walking to the cupboard* And they are in for a surprise.

Abigail: [Your surprise better not be my tranquilizer gun. They're just hungry. And also, that's for bears. Or burglars for that matter.]

Roger: Good. Now I know it will work...

Abigail: [Roger!]

Roger: I'm kidding! I'm just gonna use it to scare 'em... *softer* Possibly to death. *quickly* Love you, honey. Bye!

Abigail: [Ro...]

The lieutenant wisps a finger through his cake before going outside. Abigail looks over to her sister.

Rachel: D-I-V-O-R-C-E.

Sonic has enters a room, he's standing on a table, his shoes covered in mud.

Sonic: Okay, I'm in. With minimal damage to Robo Donut's property. *picks up the ring again* Here we go... Didn't work out on Earth, but that's okay. You're going to a safe world. A nice safe world filled with mushrooms. Mushrooms that'll be your only... friends. That sounds awful! I can't do this! You have to do it, there's no other option.

He lets out a deep breath and lifts the ring.

Sonic: Alright...

But just then, Roger barges in, out holding the gun.

Roger: London Police! Pending background check... talons in the air!

Both he and Tom freeze as they see each other.

Sonic: Uh, meow?



Roger accidentally fires the gun and a tranquilizer dart hits Sonic's leg

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Roger accidentally fires the gun and a tranquilizer dart hits Sonic's leg.

Sonic: Ow!

The hedgehog quickly begins to get dizzy. Through his blurred vision, he sees the text written on Roger's shirt, with an image right next to it.

Sonic: Lon...don?

Sonic drops the ring. A portal opens up on the floor. Roger watches in awe at the sight of it, dropping his firearm. The creature shakes for a bit and collapses onto the floor. The ring pouch he'd been holding falls through the hole and lands onto the roof of The Shard. The text "Emergency Use Only" written onto the bag. The portal closes and disappears.

Sonic: No...

He loses consciousness. Roger looks at Sonic in utter empuzzlement.

Roger: What?

The unconscious Sonic was on the couch with a cage surrounding him. Roger pushes a spatula through the bars, trying to wake the hedgehog up. He drops it and holds up the quill he found. It's an exact match.

Roger: *lets out a breath* The Blue Devil...

He turns around and leans against the counter. Between him, Sonic lets himself out of the caged couch. As Roger turns back, he steps away, stunned when the creature is back on its feet.

Sonic: Robo Donut?

Roger: You can talk. *uneasy* You're not... You're not here to abduct me, are you?

Sonic: You abducted me?

Roger: Okay, that's a fair point. What are you? Why are you hiding out in my office?

Sonic: I-I needed somewhere safe, a-and you're the only person I could think of, Robo Donut.

Roger: Why do you keep calling me "Robo Donut"?

Sonic: 'Cause you secretly talk to donuts. And then eat them if they get outta line. As for the robo part, well, you turned into RoboCop and took over Paris.

Roger: Again, fair...

Sonic: Wait, wait, wait... Where are the mushrooms? Why am I still on Earth? Oh, did... Oh, no! I lost my rings!

Roger: What?!

They both look up when they hear a heavy vehicle approaching. It's Robotnik's mobile lab.

Roger: What's happening? Is that your mothership? *runs to the window* Not in the mood to get probed.

Sonic: You think you're worried? I'm not even wearing pants.

Roger: You are wearing pants.

Sonic: Well not clean pants.

Roger: *looking out the window* What the...

The hissing truck comes to a halt. Sonic yells and quickly closes the curtains.

Sonic: They're coming for me!

Roger: Who's coming for you? What's that gotta do with me?!

Sonic: I don't have time to explain, but you have to help me.

Roger: *shaking his head* No, I don't! Why?

Sonic: Well, my legs, which normally would be classified as lethal weapons, feel like spaghetti. I need your help. Please? It's life or death.

Roger packs himself together and lets out a determined breath.

Roger: Fine. Come with me.

He walks away and Sonic tries to follow, only to fall face-first onto the floor.

Sonic: Uh, little help?

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