Stage 14: Assisting

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The topless police car arrives at a house in London. Roger parks his car and grabs out of the backseat, obscured by a sheet.

Roger: C'mon, buddy. You're gonna be all right... You'll be all right.

He walks open to the porch and knocks onto the door. His sister-in-law opens it.

Roger: Is Maddie at home? No, it's an emer...

Rachel: *overshouting him* No, no, no! Not today! Goodbye! Bye-bye!

Rachel tries to close the door, but Roger leans against the wood to get in.

Roger: No, stop! Don't do this!

Rachel: Bye-bye!

Roger: This is important!

Maddie appears behind her sister.

Maddie: No! Oh, my God... *to Rachel* Let him in!

Roger steps into the hall.

Rachel: I am calling the police! No, I am calling the FBI! I am calling the CIA!

Roger: Shut up!

Rachel: I am... I am calling your mother!

Maddie: Okay, got it!

Roger: Maddie, can we just...

Maddie: Roger, what is going on? You're all over the news, I've been trying to call you...

Roger: I've ditched my phone, so they couldn't track me.

Rachel: Ditch?

Maddie: Track?!

Rachel's daughter, Jojo, walks in with Sabrina. 

Jojo: Uncle Roger!

Roger: Jojo!

She hugs him, but Rachel pulls her daughter away from him.

Rachel: Now your niece is an accessory to treason! Are you happy?!

Maddie: Would you calm down?

Rachel: Calm down?!

Maddie: Enough. Enough!

Rachel: I will not calm down!

Ozzy appears as well, running straight to his boss. It starts to bark loudly.

Roger: Yes, calm down! Stop talking! *to Ozzy* No, no, Ozzy. Please.

Rachel: *looks at what he was holding* Oh, little lord baby Jesus... What is that, Roger?! Is it plutonium?! Is it emails?!

Roger: *sarcastically* Yes, it's plutonium. *to Maddie* Could we please... Could we just go to your room and... *to Ozzy* Stop it, Ozzy! Quit it!

Rachel: This is why I told you he was no good!

Maddie: I'm... I'm not engaging.

As the sisters continue to quarrel, Ozzy starts to pull at the sheet.

Roger: Ozzy, quit it! No, Ozzy! No, no, no!

The sheet is pulled away, both sisters, Sabrina and Jojo see Sonic.

Rachel: *fainting* Oh, catch me, Jojo...

She falls onto the floor. Roger breathes a sigh of relief. Maddie holds the two girls by her shoulders.

Roger: Oh, thank God! *chuckles nervously* Can I get a glass of water?

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