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Y/ns pov

I go and put my stuff away in my locker. I feel someone lightly tap on my shoulder so i look behind me and see finn smiling at me.
"Hey Finn"
"Hey y/n"
Ever since monday finn and i have been hanging out everyday at school and out of school he has eaten over many times and my parents already like him.

"Ready for tonight?"
"Im nervous"
He sighs and fiddles with his fingers
"Hey dont be, it'll be good there will be drinks and drugs" i laughed and finns smile went away
"I was jokin...slightly"
Finn smiles again

"Dont take things so seriously finn"
"I-i wont, i promise"
"Okay so ill come over to your house after i get dressed so i can help you out with your outfit so you can pick up the ladiesss"
I laugh and close my locker and lean against it.

"Um yeah plus youll be able to meet my mother"
I nod and kiss his cheek
I hug him before waking away

I go to sadie and hug her from behind smiling.
I let go and walk infront of her
"Hey y/n, about the party wanna come over to my place and to pick out an outfit for me"
"I already told finn i would go to his and help him maybe we can head over to your place after"
I shrug and wait for her answer hoping she doesnt get mad at me

"No its fine ill just have sophia and joyce help me"
Sadie sighs and walks off
I look down and head to my last class


I got home and put my stuff away i lied down and took a five minute break. I got back up and went to my closet.
I bit my lip and just stared hoping something would just magically appear infront of me


I brush my teeth before brushing my hair

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I brush my teeth before brushing my hair.
I go and order an uber to finns house.
After eighteen minutes my ubers here. I say goodbye to my parents before heading out and getting into the car.


Hey finn im on my wayy

Finny boo ✌
Yay i cant wait to see youuu

You saw me an hour ago.


i get to finns and knock on the door. A young boy answers the door. Not finn maybe older so not that young.
"Hey im y/n, finns friend"
I smile
"Im nick im his brother hes upstairs"
I nod
"Nice to meet you nick"
He moves aside and i go upstairs i look in a room and see finn on his laptop

I open the door and he smiles at me
"What are you looking at finn"
I nod
"Hopefully not porn"
I laugh and close the door and sit beside him before i could see what he was on he exited out of it.

Finns pov

I was on Instagram looking at y/ns photos. I wish she was mine i groan and scroll deeper on her page i find myself on a photo from four years ago. Suddenly my door opens its y/n i smile and forget that im on her page

"What are you looking at finn"
She smiles at me and leans on the door frame
"Um instagram"
"Hopefully not porn"
She laughs and closes the door and goes to sit beside me i exit out of insta before she sees i was on her profile.
"I dont watch that stuff you nasty"
I laugh i put my laptop on my bed side table.

I look at her and kiss her cheek
"That was for earlier"
She laughs more
"Lets get your outfit loser"
She gets up and goes to my closet
"Hmmm not much but i can do something"
She starts grabbing clothes and putting combinations together.
She smiles at me and shows it off like its an expensive car

[Finns outfit]

I get dressed and go back to y/n and do a little 'twirl'

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I get dressed and go back to y/n and do a little 'twirl'.
"Lovvve it"
Y/n fans her self with her hands
"I think its alright"
I shrug and smile at her
"You look good in red"


Soon it was time for the party we told finns parents we were going to my house. I call an uber and once it arrives we get in and they start to drive.
"Dont be nervous you gotta be coool"
She says dragging the o and she slides on sun glasses.
I smile at her looking at each and every feature of her.

I stare at her lips wanting to kiss her so badly. I wont take the chance.

Y/ns pov

I could tell finn was nervous i worry about him i shouldn't of asked for him to come. I promise myself to not let anyone to mess with him.


We get to the party i can already hear the loud music. Finn and i get out and i go and grab his hand.
We make our way inside i hold on tightly to finns hand. I soon see sadie, sophia and them i smile and go towards them.
"Hey guys"
I speak loudly so they can hear me over the loud music. Finn just stands there like a lost puppy
"Heyy y/n heyy finn"
Sophia smiles and hugs us we sit down on the couch finn still holding onto my hand but i dont care i cant leave him alone not here with everyone who picks on him maybe this was a bad idea

"Wanna drink"
I ask finn he nods and i get up
"Stay here"
He nods again and i go to the drinks grabbing me a beer and finn one too. Plus some kool aid just in case he doesnt want the beer. I go back to finn but he isnt there i set the drinks on the coffee table
"Wheres finn?"
Sophia shrugs and looks around i start to panic and walk around the house making my way through big crowds

My Obsession  (Finn Wolfhard × Reader)  •Completed•Where stories live. Discover now