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Todays the day of my trial i havent seen my lawyer since we first met up. Ive gotten no calls besides from my parents they havent been able to visit me i dont know why. All of this is bullshit. I shouldnt be here it should be finn. Hes a lunatic he deserves to be locked up. I shouldn't have to pay for what he did.

Soon gaurds come to my cell.
"Youre being released"
"I am"
I jump in excitement as they led me to a changing station handing me my clothes.
I walked out of the exit to my mom and dad waiting outside. They ran to me pulling me into a hug.
"Im free"
My mom kisses my forehead and we pull away.
"Wbyd they let me go, did they find out that i didnt murder them"

"Your lawyer was murdered so they came to the realisation that in fact youre not the murderer because you were locked up at the time of the murder"
I smiled but i still felt the saddness of losing someone who knew the truth. Why did finn have to go after her.
"Lets go home"
I get into the car and so do they. I lay my head on the door, staring out the window.


I get home and go straight to the shower. I missed the feeling of warm water and privacy. Though it did boost my comfidence taking a shower infront of people.  I also miss the scents of my own hair and body wash. Getting to spend unlimited time washing my body without rushing. 

I finish up turning of the shower faucet i grab the towel wrapping it around my body.
I get out feeling a hand go over my mouth.
My eyes adjust to see finn.
My breathing hitched.
"Dont you dare scream or i will slice your fucking throat open"
I nod slowly and he removes his hand as tears stream down my face.
"What do you want from me"
"Come with me with"
he comes close causing me to back up
"Please baby i love you"
"Im not your baby"
He grabs my face
The side of the cold knife touching my cheek

"I'm doing this for you y/n"
He pushes me away
"Ive done all of this fucking shit for you"
He starts to laugh like a maniac.
"All i ever wanted to do was love you!"
He screams in my face.
"Im sorry"
"I got rid of the people who hurt you, and all you pay me back with is n-nothing"

He adds starting to stutter
"I can never love a murderer"
He punches the wall making me back up falling into the tub.
"Why did you kill my lawyer then, she wasnt hurting me and she wasnt in your way"
I started a conversation to distract him
"She knew to fucking much she wouldve taken you from me"

"I was only in there because of you"
I sniffle
"True but that was so i could know you were safe if i was in there while you werent, you could be in harm i wouldnt know what was going on with you"
I get out of the tub
I was shaking hoping he wouldn't lash out.

"Im sorry"
I repeatedly said over and over again.
"Dont be"
I dont even need to be sorry
He needs to be but for some reason all i could do was apologize, apologize for coming into his life. Its my fault i shouldve listen to sadie and sophia. They warned me. Now i lost sadie and Joyce. At least i still have sophia but at what cost.

She might not even wanna be my friend after the allegations. I cant face going back to school knowing everyone knows that i went to jail for shit i didnt even do.
I snap outta my thoughts and look at him. This was all his fault. He should pay for what he did.

I felt a weird feeling in my stomach.
I started to cry my eyes put anger. I was confused with all of my emotions. I felt anger and saddness all at the same time.
"I hate you"
I said under my breath
He says with a sad tone.
"You heard me I FUCKING HATE YOU"
You could see the anger rise in him.
He clenched the knife. I kicked him in his balls grabbing the knife. I push him down on the ground getting on top of him.
"I fucking hate you"
I raise the knife above his chest.
He smiles widely.
"Do it baby"

I looked into his eyes but they felt so soulless something was telling me to do it to end all of this but i just couldnt
I let out a deep breath and put the knife down.
"I hate you so much"
I cryed my eyes out
I felt his sit up and grab the knife outta my hands.
Not knowing what hed do with it.
I just continued to cry. He out the knife down next to him and pulled me into a hug.
I felt tense but it was also quite comforting in an unpleasant way.

Its the hybristopbillia for me
All of a sudden i started singing the song "Hollaback Girl" lmao imagine a murder scene had that song playing over it. Ugh love that.  Not the murder part but id find it funny. Ima stop speaking.

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