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Y/ns pov
Its about five fourty-four pm and I'm laying on the couch waiting for Ashton to come and pick me up to hang out for a little. He said he'd be here around five thirty so maybe hes just running late or not done with his errands.

I sigh and grab a cheese stick from the fridge i sit back on the couch and start to watch Pretty Little Liars.
This show is so good i love the mystery and finding clues on who A is. Mystery or horror movies and shows are my favorite they make me wonder what goes through peoples heads to kill someone.

As time passed it was seven i didnt even notice the time it felt like only five minutes passed. I guess Ashton changed his mind. I sigh my mom and dad come through the door with pizza making tons of noise.
They place the pizza on the table and i head over and we have dinner.


I finish with my night routine and lay down on my bed getting on my phone before heading to sleep

Hey are you alright?

I put my phone on my nightstand plugging it to the charger and turn off my light and go to sleep.


I enter the schools hallways tired and sad. I go to my locker and lean against it as i already have my books for the day.
I go on my phone but no notifications ashton still hasnt answered me he usually does. I frown
Maybe i did something wrong.
I see someone stand right next to me in my peripheral vision. I look and its finn.
I smile and hug him he hugs back we pull away.
"I needed that hug"
He chuckles and runs his fingers through his hair

"What did you do last night"
"Nothing i was supposed to hang out with one of my friends but he didnt show up, you?"
He frowns
"Whoever that is is a big jerk you could've called me i didnt do much just played video games"
I smiled more
"Awe thats so sweet"
I wrapped my arms around his torso and we just stood there til the bell rang and we headed to class.


~Second hour~
We were doing our work before police came into the classroom and asked for me. I felt my blood pressure rise even though i didnt do anything. I got up and grabbed my stuff as people started whispering.
I followed them to the office and sat down while i waited for them to talk to me. Soon finn came out of the room. He smiled at me but not his usual one just a small one. He headed out and went to class. I sat there as someone from the party came out of the principles office crying.

Its been an hour and they havent talked to me they talked to other students though.
I look up from my feet and nod getting up i grab my bag and head in the meeting room where two cops sat next to eachother i sat down in front of them.
"Why am i here"
I forrow my eyebrows and fold my arms resting them on the table.
"You dont know"
The man sighs and looks over at the lady
"Do you know jack"
They add
i nod and then they nod and grab a file and open it showing flipped over pages.
"He was found dead last night in a back alleys garbage can"
My eyes widen my eyes start to tear up i hated jack but in no way did he deserve this.

"We're sorry"
"I didnt know him that well but why would someone do that"
I say fighting through my tears
"Thats why we're here"
The lady speaks up she then gets up and heads out the door.
"We asked your parents for permission to interview and show you pictures of the murder scene if your not comfortable just tell me"
I nod and go to fiddle with my fingers but stop

It might make me look suspicious even though i didnt do shit. I just cant believe jacks dead. I start to cry a little thinking about it.
I nod
"Where were you friday night"
"I was at a party the one jack was at"
He writes something down
"Tell me what you did starting at six oclock to four am"
I nod i find it weird that they asked me it but whatever
"Well by then i was picking out an outfit for finn......"


"Then we got to the party and i was just hanging out with finn we sat down on the couch so i went to get finn and i a drink non-alcohol by the way. Then after i got the drinks i went to go to finn but he wasnt there so i went, walked around and found jack basically drowning finn then i got jack off of finn then we left to finns house and spent the rest of the night there.
..i suck at story telling"
He writes stuff down and looks at his other notes.

"You may go y/n" i nod and exit the office by now the bell rang i go to finn and smile a little at him.
"I cant believe he's dead"
He sighs with a frown
"Same, at least it wasnt you and i but its still fucking sad he had a whole life to live whoever did this is a fucking bitch i hope they find him"
He frowns more and nods
He mumbles and i hug him


Finn and i are sitting down on my couch before my mother and father rush in.
"Finn i think its time for you to go"
He looks at me and back at them and nods
"Yes ma'am"
He gets up grabbing his stuff and leaves

My mother comes over and hugs me tightly.
"Whats going on"
"From now i need to know where you are twenty-four seven"
"I always do"
I added
My dad sits down in his chair and my mom sits next to me
"Whats going on dad"
"Ashton was found dead in a back alley just like jack was"
My heart sunk in i felt my blood pressure rise my heart started to ache to the point where it hurt in my throat. My eyes were getting teary and thats when it all came out all the tears.
My mom pulled me in a hug as i just cried my eyes out. Who would do this to Ashton.

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