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I sit against the wall trembling hours have past as the blood on my shoes has dried. My hands trembling i havent moved. Soon i hear the basement door open. Loud thuds as someone comes down. I dont bring my eyes off the body. So much blood.
I hear a voice call but i dont move i just couldnt.
I then feel a tap on my shoulder then someone moves my head.

I feel myself tremble even more.
I wish i felt safe, someone to lean on and cry to, but the one person i could cry to is the reason im scared.
"Y/n what did you do"
"You kidnapped her"
I finally got words to come out.
It felt as if the world was on my shoulders pushing down on me.
"Its not what it looks like y/n she was gonna hurt me i had to"
I shake my head no

He looks at me with confusion in his eyes
"You kill people finn, how can i trust someone who kills people"
His face went from confusion to pure sadness
"I-i did it for you"
I spit in his face
"Bullshit if you really cared for me you wouldve told me, not kill everyone especially cause one of them was my fucking friend, you cant just earn my love by killing people"
Tears streamed down his faces he just stayed silent
"I stuck up for you when people called you a psychopath and then you pull this"
I yell in his face
"I-im sorry"
He looks at me with hurt in his eyes. I felt no remorse, how could i.
He gets up grabbing my arm tightly.
"Youre hurting me"
"If i cant have you no one can"
He grabs handcuffs and puts them on me before i could even get away.
He heads upstairs leaving me in the basement.

I sit down and cry to myself
Four minutes later he comes down grabbing a bat and hitting himself with it causing bruises.
"What are you doing"
"Work baby"
I cringe at the name but who knows what he'd do if i say something he then comes goes upstairs closing the door.

Soon i hear faint sirens
I start to scream for help hoping theyd hear me as they pass by. I started to hear tons of noises coming from upstairs. Then i hear the basment door bust open.
I say out loud.
"Whos down here"
I hear a deep voice say out
"Y/n y/l/n"
"Put your hands where i could see them"
"Im handcuffed sir"
Soon they came into view
"Please get me outta these handcuffs"
"You have the right to remain silent and refuse to answer questions. Anything you say may be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to consult an attorney before speaking to the police and to have an attorney present during questioning now or in the future"
He states in a harsh way as he grabs my arms and pulls me up to my feet

My heart sank why am i being arrested and not finn.
"I didnt do anything it was Finn, Finn wolfhard hes a crazy pyschopath i swear"
I start to cry out. As they bring me upstairs
"Please you have to believe me''
I yell out but no one listening. Investigators pass by with coroners going to the basement holding big cameras.
We then get outside as they bring me to the police car. Finn sitting in the ambulance with a blanket wrapped around him he looked at me with a big smirk. He looked soulless.
They then pushed me in the police car
This is really happening to me.
What the hell.

My Obsession  (Finn Wolfhard × Reader)  •Completed•Where stories live. Discover now