
494 7 14

Y/n povs

I get out of my moms car and head inside. I begged my mom to let me stay home but my dad didnt let me even if i was being terrorized.
I go to my homeroom and sit in the back next to finn. He was smiling at me i gave him a small smile back. He holds my hand.

Soon the announcement bell rings and the principal begins to speak.
I didnt really listen til the last of it.
"Sadly the announcement isnt over we would like to leave a moment of silence for joyce Mae"
Everyone started whispering to eachother as i raised my eyebrows in confusion.


The bell rings and i go to the cafeteria sitting own next to sophia.
"Whats the thing going on anout joyce"
Siphia looks and she wipes her eyes from her crying
"Shes dead y/n someone killed her"
My heart dropped i felt an ache all over my body.
I thought it was over with.
She then tells me what happened and how they found Joyce. Apart of me was sad but the other was kinda glad she was dead i dont have to deal with her anymore.
I have such bad luck first jack then Ashton now joyce.
Am i the problem everyone whos being murdered was in my life in some way.

Finn sits next to me but my heart gets this weird feeling as i lock eyes with him, a feeling ive never felt. it wasnt a pleasent feeling more like a sick yucky feeling. I just felt sick ive never felt like this before when i look at finn why now.  The more i look into his eyes the more nauseous i felt. I get up and go to the restroom maybe its because i didnt eat anything. I go to the girls bathroom and into the biggest stall. I lean agisnt the wall and the sick feeling suddenly goes away like it was never there.

I take a dep breath and leave the stall and im met with Joyce's friends.
"I'm sorry about your loss"
I speak up
"Dont play like your innocent y/n everyone knows you killed her"
"I- no i didnt i had nothing to do with it"
I stutter I start to feel sick again why would they think i killed her i would never kill anyone.

"Get her"
Two girls came up to me and pinned me against the wall as a girl with ling brown hair locked the restroom door. She came up to me and slapped me in the face.
"I didnt kill her i swear"
She punched me in my face and they pushed me to the ground kicking me repeatedly yelling names at me over and over again.

Tears started to come down my eyes from the pain. My whole body was aching. My body went numb as they kept kicking me I couldnt feel it anymore.
"I hope you burn in hell" 
One spits on me and they stop kicking me.
"I didnt do anything wrong"
I lay there in a ball crying my eyes out
"You might not of but you probably made finn do it for you he'd  do anything for you as long as your bouncing on his dick"
Thoughts came to my mind as they walked out of the restroom.

Finns knife and his weird use of words. Finn said he has to go somewhere last night but where.
I left finns house the night jack was murdered what was he doing then, Finn pulled a knife out on someone but that just leaves Ashton. Maybe im over thinking finn wouldnt do that. Stop listening to others y/n. My head hurt from all the thinking. I tried getting up but my body ached.
I groaned as i pushed myself up wincing from the pain.

I put on a hoodie and wipe the blood off from my face and go to the cafeteria and sit between finn and sophia.
I looked at finn and got a goosebumps. I cant let my thoughts get to me. 


Finn and i are sitting in his room. I invited him over to ask him where he was last night but im scared.  Shut up y/n just ask.
I look at him
"Where were you last night"
I add
He looks at me and stays silent for a couple seconds.
"I had to help my mom with something"

I nod and he goes back to doing his homework.
"Finn im hungry"
"Ill get get us snacks if you want"
I nod and smile
He gets up and goes downstairs
I get up and look around his room first looking in his dresser where the knife was. I look under everything getting poked my something.
I look at what it is and its the knife wrapped with newspapers with a little blood on it. I hear footsteps so i hurry and put the knife in my bag and close the dresser i sit back on the bed as finn comes back inside with a bowl of fruit.
"Thanks finn"
I put on a fake smile
He hands me the bowl and sits down on the bed continuing his homework.
It has to be fake blood right

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